Pool Reports by Katherine Doyle, Washington Examiner
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November 10, 2021 13:27 CEST |
VP pool report #1 - rolling to Suresnes American Cemetary The motorcade left the Intercontinental Le Grand at 1:27 pm. Pool did not see VP Harris enter the limo. The ride to Suresnes American Cemetery is about 20 minutes. It's an outdoor ceremony. |
November 10, 2021 15:47 CEST |
VP travel pool report #2 - Suresnes American Cemetery Pool arrived at 1:50 pm, five minutes before the VP. We departed with the motorcade at 2:39 pm. The ceremony lasted ~40 mins. Motorcade returned to the hotel at 3:08 pm. VP Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff entered the cemetery at 1:55 pm where she was greeted by Ed Ryan, Director of Cemetery Operations. The wreath laying ceremony began at 1:57 pm, with the national anthem playing followed by Taps. She gave the wreath a ceremonial adjustment but did not lift it. Harris and Emhoff then spoke briefly with Superintendent Keith Stadler before greeting service members and two spouses standing to the side of the wreath. Per OVP: Stadler led Harris and Emhoff to a monument overlooking the ceremony, which had the English phrase "Peaceful is Their Sleep in Glory" carved at the top. They stood for several minutes talking before touring the cemetery below. 1,565 Americans are buried here, an official told the pool. The website lists 1,559. Per the site: "The 7.5-acre cemetery contains the remains of 1,559 Americans who died in World War I and 23 unknown dead of World War II." Stadler walked Harris to the gravesites of Winona Martin, brothers George W. Ewing Jr. and Lewis R. Ewing, and Inez Ann Murphy Crittenden, all WWI veterans. Pool was set at the cemetery as a Harris and Emhoff arrived. The cemetery was set on lush grounds with the Eiffel Tower in the distance. My thanks to co-poolers Noah Bierman, Katie Rogers and Jennifer Jacobs. Some quotes as they toured the cemetery: Harris said the cemetery crosses were beautiful and asked Stadler, "Is there a reason they don't have a birthday?" The Ewing brothers graves are next to one another. "That's the one they called Babe?" Harris said, pointing to Lewis Ewing's headstone. "Do you keep track of their parents? Do family members come?" she asked. Stadler said they are happy when families "make themselves known." They then discussed using DNA testing to identify remains of unknown soldiers. "Do you test the DNA, then?" Harris asked. Stadler said they do if they are close to identifying the remains. They continued walking to Inez Crittenden's grave, who was a switchboard operator from Oakland. Women in this job were known as the "Hello Girls." Stadler explained that women were often hired because they made fewer mistakes and were quicker. Harris responded: "And it was one of the few jobs women could have. Because they could have also been surgeons." Women in these positions were designated civilians until a 1977 court battle. "I'm glad we could be here to say hello," Harris said. "We're very proud of her memory and her service." Harris noted Crittenden died on Armistice Day. "The covid of it's day," Stadler responded. Harris touched the gravestone and said, "In service." She added, "Thank you. Thank you for knowing all these stories. It's what keeps them alive." Background from OVP: Inez Crittenden of Oakland, California, led a team of 232 bilingual switchboard operators known as the "Hello Girls," who made over 26 million calls by the war's end—vital to American success in Europe. Sadly, on November 11, 1918, while others celebrated the armistice, Crittenden passed away from pneumonia, likely caused by the influenza pandemic. With the passage of the 1977 G.I. Improvement Bill, the headstone has subsequently changed from "civilian" to "Chief Operator of the Signal Corps," reflecting her military rank. |
November 10, 2021 18:45 CEST |
VP travel pool report #3 - Harris arrives at Elysee Palace // quote Harris arrived at the Elysee Palace at 6:12 pmand was greeted by Macron. They waved to the press before walking inside. A reporter asked, "Do you need to make amends?" Harris: "I'm very happy to be in Paris." Flags are at full staff in the courtyard where pool is pre-set. We arrive about 40 mins before. Pool was pre set |
November 10, 2021 19:28 CEST |
VP travel pool report #4 — no answer to Q's at top of meeting VP Harris did not answer pool's question about whether there was a role for the US in the Belarus migration crisis along the Polish border. Macron did not answer a question from Sarah Kolinovsky with ABC News about whether the relationship between the two countries had been repaired. Please check quotes against tape! Macron began speaking at 6:37 pm, first in French then in English. He thanked Harris for joining him in Paris for the bilateral exchange, Armistice Day ceremony tomorrow and her coming attendance at the Paris Peace Forum and the Paris Conference on Libya. I'm aware that France has offered you a packed schedule and I am extremely grateful for your presence, he said. He also thanked her for her visit to the Pasteur Institute. In English, he described the meeting with Biden in Rome last week as "very fruitful," which he said "paved the way" for cooperation in "the coming weeks, months and, I have to say, years." "We do share the view that we are at the beginning of a new era and our cooperation is absolutely critical for this one." "You're more than welcome not just in this palace" but […] "I can tell you that the French people are extremely proud to have you." Harris started speaking at 6:39 pm and mentioned briefly the two countries' shared history. She said she had enjoyed the few minutes she spent with Macron so far and that France and the United States have opportunities to work together thanks to "shared values and shared priorities." "I do believe and I think we share this belief that we are at the beginning of a new era, which presents us with many challenges, but also many opportunities. And when the United States and France have worked together on challenges and opportunities, we have always found great success because of shared values and shared priorities." "Building on the great conversation that you and President Biden had, I look forward to the next few days. We'll work together and renew the focus that we've always had on a partnership and a benefit to the people of France and the people of the United States and the people of the world." A French news camera was fixed on Harris through the entirety of the meeting — including while Macron spoke. Thank you to copoolers Jennifer Jacobs and Sarah Kolinovsky for quotes. The question in my last report came from Sarah with ABC News. |
November 10, 2021 20:03 CEST |
VP pool report #5 - more quotes Some additional quotes courtesy of Sarah Kolinovsky's full transcription of English language spray. OVP is confirming meeting attendees. Macron: "I can tell you French people are extremely proud to have you here." Harris spoke about the countries' shared values and priorities between the two countries, cooperation on scientific research and in space, shared economic interests, and about working together as partners. She also mentioned building on the conversation between Biden and Macron in Rome. Harris: "Thank you Mr. President. It is a pleasure to be with you and thank you for the invitation to join you over these next several days. I enjoyed even just the few minutes we've have so far in this tour and indeed I think you and I, because France and the United States do share, not only a history but a perspective on where we are currently, and where we can go in terms of the work we will do and continue to do as partners." "We have discussed the fact that indeed, … and i believe we share this belief, that we are at the beginning of a new era." She said that "when the United States and France have worked together on challenges and opportunities we have always found great success because of shared values and shared priorities." "I look forward to our discussion today and over the coming days," including around scientific research prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, "around a shared commitment for preparedness for the next pandemic, as well as our mutual desires to be leaders on the globe in terms of supporting our fellow nations during these tragic times." "I look forward to a conversation about space. As you know I'm chairing the Space Council for the United States. And when we think about where we have yet to explore together and the opportunities that are presented, not only in terms of security but also the opportunities that I believe will enhance our priorities around the climate crisis and what we might do in terms of an investment, in terms of cooperation with the private sector, including creating rules of the road as it relates to this new frontier in space." "I look forward to a conversation about our shared interest in prosperity for our nations and understanding how that can impact our friends around the world and what we must do in regards to assisting those who are in need." "So we have many topics for discussion but I will say that building on the great conversation you and President Biden had, I look forward to the next few days, we will continue to work together and renew the focus that we've always had on our partnership and the benefit to the people of France and the people of the United States and the people of the world." |
November 10, 2021 22:14 CEST |
VP travel pool report #6 - bilat exit & questions Macron and Harris exited together at 8:05 pm, with Harris speaking and Macron nodding. They said a friendly (and covid-friendly) goodbye, grasping each others arms. The visit lasted just under two hours. Pool held outside. Motorcade was rolling to dinner with the Second Gentleman at the Chief of Mission's Residence at 8:08 pm. Noah Bierman asked Macron, "Have you forgiven America?" No response. Macron winked and appeared to smile beneath his mask at a question from Jennifer Jacobs about whether the EU should terminate the trade and cooperation agreement with the UK if Boris Johnson triggers Article 16. Harris did not answer a question from Sarah Kolinovsky about whether she had apologized. "Vice President Harris did you apologize?" Macron appeared to laugh beneath his mask. Pool is returning independent of the motorcade. |
Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of November 10, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/353329