WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Members of Congress Applaud House Passage of Build Back Better Act
Following the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, Members of Congress applauded how the historic legislation the will cut the costs of child care and elder care, position the U.S. the tackle the climate crisis, make health care more affordable, and much more – all while creating good-paying, union jobs and dealing everybody into the economy.
As Nobel Prize-winning economists and independent ratings agencies have confirmed, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Build Back Better Act are fully paid for, will reduce the deficit, and ease inflationary pressures by making the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share and stopping them from cheating on their tax bills.
Congressional leadership and Members of Congress from across the country are applauding the passage of the historic legislation through the House and calling on the Senate to take urgent action so President Biden can sign it into law and ensure we can build back better.
See below for what they are saying:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "Today, the House voted for the #BuildBackBetter Act, which delivers good-paying jobs, cuts middle class taxes and lowers the costs that weigh heaviest on working families – fully paid for by asking the wealthiest few and biggest corporations to pay their fair share." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: "The House has taken an important step to advance President Biden's Build Back Better plan that will dramatically lower costs and cut taxes for middle-class families, and fight the climate crisis while creating good-paying jobs. This legislation makes long-term investments to combat climate change and in affordable housing, lowers the cost of child care, and provides universal pre-K for families and cheaper prescription drugs for millions of seniors. The Build Back Better Act will support the American people at every stage of their life and help small businesses grow and stay competitive for decades to come." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin: "In the wake of this pandemic, and in the face of a climate crisis, we must build an economy that puts the needs of people, and our planet, above all else. From helping working mothers feed their kids, to funding education and other innovations that will shape the world those kids grow up in, now is the time to Build Back Better. We also have a chance to give millions of immigrants a brighter future in the country they call home. I am glad the House took this important step today." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: "With House passage of the historic Build Back Better Act today, I was proud to help lead the effort to deliver once-in-a-generation action to improve the well-being and economic prosperity of Maryland's hardworking families. Well before this pandemic, too many Marylanders were struggling to get by and facing everyday challenges – from feeling the burden of an economy that didn't work for everyone; to worries over expensive child care and prescription drug costs; to considering the future of our planet for their children under the existential threat of the climate crisis. Now, almost two years into an ongoing pandemic that has claimed the lives of thousands of our people and left many facing newfound economic uncertainties, those across Maryland's Fifth District and our great state are calling for real change that doesn't just enable them to survive, but actually allows them to get ahead and build their lives back better. That is precisely what this legislation does." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Majority Whip James Clyburn: "I have often remarked that America is not in need of being made great. It is great, and has been for a long time. Today, in passing the #BuildBackBetter Act, House Democrats moved us one step closer towards making that greatness accessible and affordable for all." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
Massachusetts Congresswoman Katherine Clark, Assistant Speaker of the House: "The Build Back Better Act is a once-in-a-generation investment in families. It will help us recover today and rebuild a stronger tomorrow. With this bill, we are fundamentally improving the lives of workers, women, children, and seniors and ensuring that the wealthiest Americans and corporations pay their fair share. When I first ran for Congress, I had a dream that every child in America could have access to a great start through universal pre-kindergarten. With today's bill, what was once a moonshot will soon be reality. What's more, we are lowering the cost of child care for 20 million families and finally honoring our child care workers with livable wages. This bill lowers the cost of prescription drugs so that families don't have to decide between paying for food or rent and the medication they need. It extends the historic child tax cut, helping families make ends meet and lifting millions of children out of poverty. And it includes the largest investment in tackling climate change in our history, addressing climate injustice and supporting clean energy jobs and businesses. This legislation is part of the Build Back Better agenda that will lower costs, lower taxes, create jobs, and build an America where everyone has a fair shot at success. I am deeply proud of the Democratic Caucus and grateful to the White House for their work to get this bill over the finish line. This is what's possible when American families are front and center in Washington, D.C." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth, Chairman, House Committee on the Budget: This is quite simply the greatest investment in American families in generation. It will lower costs, lower taxes, and ease the mounting financial burdens of everyday life in the 21st century. Millions of good jobs will be created, and we will finally give the climate crisis the resources and attention necessary to save the planet. There is virtually no American trying to get ahead whose life will not be improved by the Build Back Better Act, in the coming months and for decades to come, and I could not be prouder to be the lead sponsor of this transformational legislation." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Massachusetts Congressman Richard Neal, Chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means: "At last, we are sending the Senate a once-in-a-generation package to invest in our nation's workers, families, and economy. We fought hard to keep key provisions like paid family and medical leave in the legislation because we cannot build back better until we recognize the needs of workers outside of the workplace. Each individual measure in this bill has the potential to change lives, and when taken together, these investments will transform our country for the better. Under President Biden's leadership, and thanks in large part to the vaccine, our country is steadily climbing out of the devastation of the pandemic. This legislative package helps ensure that our continued recovery expands opportunity and financial security for all Americans. The Ways and Means Committee responsibly crafted provisions to lower the cost of prescription drugs and health care premiums, and expand the Affordable Care Act to finally close the coverage gap. We leveraged the tax code to make the largest investment in combatting climate change in American history, while extending popular tax credits to put money back into the pockets of hard-working families. When combined with the bipartisan infrastructure law, this legislation will create millions of high-quality, good-paying jobs, reduce inequality, and advance equity in our nation. Democrats are building back better." [Statement, 11/19/21]
New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone, Chairman, House Committee on Energy & Commerce: "Today, the House passed once-in-a-generation legislation that invests in the American people, responds to the great challenges of our time, and builds a better future for generations to come. At a time when American families are struggling to make ends meet, the Build Back Better Act builds on our efforts to make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans, including millions unfairly caught in the Medicaid coverage gap. It also makes prescription drugs more affordable by finally giving Medicare the ability to negotiate lower drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies. Seniors will also pay no more than $2,000 a year in out-of-pocket costs for their drugs, and the legislation penalizes Big Pharma companies that unfairly raise prices. We expand health care access for children, mothers, and seniors by permanently reauthorizing the Children's Health Insurance Program, improving maternal health care, and providing, for the first time, comprehensive hearing benefits under Medicare Part B. The legislation also makes a historic commitment to home- and community-based care so seniors and people with disabilities can get the care they need in their homes. The Build Back Better Act also aggressively tackles the worsening climate crisis. It makes historic investments to move us toward a clean energy economy while also producing millions of good paying American jobs. The new Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund will accelerate innovation in low- and zero-emission technologies, while also prioritizing the needs of environmental justice communities. Rebates for homeowners to electrify and make their houses more efficient will save them money and reduce emissions. Investments in a 21st century electric grid will get more renewable energy online. The legislation will also drive down pollution from the oil and gas industry through a new Methane Emissions Reduction Program. Substantial investments in electric vehicle charging stations and clean heavy-duty vehicles, like school buses, will serve the dual purpose of slashing our carbon emissions while helping American manufacturing stay globally competitive. We simply cannot wait any longer to combat the climate crisis – bold action is needed now. The Build Back Better Act will provide significant financial relief to American families well into the future while also creating millions of good paying American jobs as we transition to a clean energy economy. I'm thrilled we are one step closer to seeing this legislation signed into law." [Statement, 11/18/21]
Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio, Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: "Just days after President Biden signed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law—which will inject $550 billion in new funding into rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure—House Democrats are moving forward with enacting the rest of the Build Back Better economic agenda by passing the Build Back Better Act. This bill will help fight inflation, is fully paid for, and doesn't add to the deficit, something we achieved by making big corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share. And it keeps President Biden's pledge not to raise taxes on people making under $400,000. As Chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am proud to have secured critical investments in both of these bills to make sure our transportation systems and infrastructure are up to meeting the challenges of today. What's more, the Build Back Better Act represents the single largest action the United States has ever taken to address climate change. Importantly, it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector—the number one source of carbon pollution in the nation. I urge the Senate to pass this legislation without delay so we can create good-paying jobs and cut costs for all Americans." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Virginia Congressman Bobby Scott, Chair of the House Committee on Education and Labor: "Today, the House took a major step toward delivering historic investments in America's future. The Build Back Better Act that the House approved today will lower costs for nearly every family, create millions of good-paying jobs, and improve the quality of life for the people we represent. The Build Back Better Act invests in making child care affordable and securing universal, free, high-quality pre-school for all three- and four-year-olds. It addresses child hunger by extending food programs to make nearly 9 million children newly eligible for free school meals. It lowers the cost of higher education by increasing the value of Pell Grants and investing in Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other chronically underfunded institutions. It expands high-quality job training programs to help workers build their skills and increase their paychecks. It bolsters workers' rights by strengthening enforcement of employment, labor, and civil rights laws. And it lowers the cost of prescription drugs, including insulin, so Americans are no longer forced to ration or forego life-saving medications. Any of these provisions, alone, would make life better for people in our communities. Taken together, they represent a monumental victory for families that will be fully paid for by ensuring that the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share in taxes. Regrettably, not a single House Republican voted for this legislation. Every investment in the Build Back Better Act addresses an urgent challenge facing families, workers, and our economy." [Statement, 11/19/21]
California Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Chairwoman, House Committee on Financial Services: "After decades of disinvestment in our nation's affordable housing programs, years of insisting that housing is infrastructure, and months of tough negotiations, the House has persevered today. I am immensely proud that the House has voted to pass the Build Back Better Act, and that this bill is now with the Senate for what I hope to be an imminent and easy vote in favor of the American people. We have worked tirelessly to secure more than $150 billion in housing investments in this bill, which will create or preserve more than one million homes that are affordable and accessible to families in need. Rest assured that I will continue to fight tooth and nail, as I always have, until this historic, hard-fought piece of legislation lands on President Biden's desk and is signed into law." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Chairwoman, House Committee on Appropriations: "The Build Back Better Act delivers a once-in-a-generation investment in children, families, and caregivers – and finally a scale of investment in combatting climate change that cannot wait. People are struggling with their bills and taxes and need a government that looks out for the middle class, working families, small businesses, and the vulnerable who work hard. By making the top one percent and biggest corporations pay their fair share, we can invest in education and child care, reduce drug and health care costs, and lower taxes for the people of Connecticut. We are making the investments that will shape our economy in a way that meets this critical moment." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva, Chairman, House Committee on Natural Resources: "My vote in favor of the packages is a vote of full faith in President Biden's ability to deliver generational investments for working people, families and our children. The Build Back Better Act lays a foundation for the future we want to build for our children and grandchildren. It is a robust, transformative investment for working and middle-class families that we need. It is the desperately needed first step to address the existential threat of climate change. The legislation directly responds to the real life needs of my constituents by lowering prescription drug costs, providing paid family and medical leave, expanding tax benefits for lower- and middle-income families, providing workforce development programs, affordable housing, universal pre-K and more. The bill will reduce racial disparities and move us towards a more equitable and competitive future. A future that works for everyone, not just the very wealthy. The Build Back Better agenda is a victory for the American people and we will keep moving forward. " [Statement, 11/19/21]
California Congressman Mark Takano, Chairman, House Committee on Veteran's Affairs: "Many VA hospitals are over 50 years old, and it's clear there are places where the infrastructure of these buildings is failing our veterans—President Biden's Build Back Better Act will help address this problem. I am so glad my colleagues joined me today to pass the Build Back Better Act because this transformational bill will give VA critical funding to update its aging infrastructure, support its workforce, and bolster the support structures that serve our veterans. Nearly three fourths of Americans agree that it is time to update VA's infrastructure—the Build Back Better Act gives us the framework to begin that work, and I eagerly await swift passage in the Senate." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Georgia Congressman David Scott, Chairman, House Committee on Agriculture: "I am very pleased with House passage of the Build Back Better Act and the inclusion of the Committee's agriculture and forestry priorities. These investments are critical to helping American agriculture address and deal with the impacts of climate change. I am proud of the work that the House Agriculture Committee has done to see these provisions included in the Build Back Better Act, and I look forward to getting this critical package passed into law. These provisions in the Build Back Better plan include resources in forestry and conservation programs to address the growing climate crisis on our National Forest System land and private agricultural and forest land; investments to modernize and innovate energy production and infrastructure in our rural communities; debt relief provisions to help provide assistance for our farmers and ranchers, especially coming off of the COVID-19 pandemic; and importantly, research and scholarship funding to ensure our Land-Grant University System can help us train the next generation of scientists and address the impacts of climate change." [Statement, 11/19/21]
New York Congressman Jerry Nadler, Chairman, House Committee on Judiciary: "The Build Back Better Act will deliver transformational change for New York City and our nation. This historic legislation will ensure that our workers and families are no longer held back by high costs or lack of access. For too long, we have failed to invest properly in everyday people. Instead, we have allowed big corporations and the wealthy to access all the resources this nation has to offer without paying their fair share. That stops now. By passing President Biden's agenda into law, we have set our nation on a course to meet its climate goals, create millions of good-paying jobs, relieve working families struggling to afford the growing costs of raising children, and grow our economy. The Build Back Better Act finally unlocks the full potential of New York families, while also obligating the wealthiest and corporations to finally pay their fair share." [Statement, 11/19/21]
New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Chairwoman, House Committee on Oversight and Reform: "The Build Back Better Act will be the most life-changing investment in families in generations, bettering the lives of millions of children, saving parents thousands of dollars, and adding two years of free, universal pre-k education for the first time. Additionally, it would authorize the first-ever, universal, comprehensive paid leave benefit for all U.S. workers and expands and improves the Child Tax Credit, the biggest tax cut for working families with children. This bill is the biggest expansion of affordable health care in a decade and will provide access to affordable coverage in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces to roughly 4 million uninsured Americans who live in states that have not expanded Medicaid coverage under the ACA. The Build Back Better Act will also make prescription drugs more affordable and give Medicare the ability to negotiate lower drug prices, something I have prioritized in my role as Chairwoman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Seniors will pay no more than $2,000 per year out of pocket for their drugs under Medicare. This bill will also ensure Americans with diabetes don't pay more than $35 per month for their insulin. And at my urging, the Build Back Better Act also provides $2.86 billion to the World Trade Center Health Program, which provides medical treatment and monitoring for more than 110,000 responders and survivors across the country - 2,800 of whom live in my district. Critically, this package will be the largest effort to combat climate change in history. I am proud that the Build Back Better Act includes provisions my Committee championed to electrify the federal government's vehicle fleet and make the federal government a leader on combatting climate change. I'm also proud of our work to fund the implementation and oversight of important environmental justice priorities. Importantly for my district, the package also includes $65 billion to address the nation's public housing capital backlog, which will provide substantial funding to address pressing needs at NYCHA developments across the City's boroughs. This package will cut taxes for tens of millions of middle-class families by making big corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share. No American making less than $400,000 will pay a penny more in taxes. It also increases the deduction allowed for state and local taxes to ensure that high cost of living states like New York can fund schools, public transit, emergency services, and other critical government operations. Today, I proudly supported an agenda that will grow the economy so that every American, regardless of their background, can get ahead." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Washington Congressman Adam Smith, Chair of the House Committee on Armed Services: "Thanks to President Biden's vision and Speaker Pelosi's leadership, today the House passed one of the most consequential pieces of legislation in our nation's history. The Build Back Better Act will make transformational investments in communities across the country to improve the lives of our children and families. The Build Back Better Act represents an incredible opportunity to address the greatest existential threat of our time – climate change –while creating good-paying, unions jobs and building a sustainable, resilient economy. This bill is the largest investment to combat climate change that our nation has ever seen, with massive investments in clean energy and zero-emissions technology. The Biden-Harris Administration and Democrats in Congress have committed to making climate change a top priority and this legislation follows through on that commitment. This bill tackles some of the biggest issues facing individuals and families and helps grow our economy in a more equitable way, leveling the playing field for working families across the country. Build Back Better includes investments in, universal pre-k, affordable child care, an expanded child tax credit, and universal paid family and medical leave. This bill will also improve the health care system for millions of Americans by reducing premiums, lowering drug prices, and closing the Medicaid coverage gap. It makes significant investments in our workforce by making higher education more affordable, expanding workforce development and training programs, and enhancing worker protections. The bill will also help create a more equitable future by making large investments in affordable housing, alleviating the burden of rising costs of housing for countless people across the United States – including my constituents in the Puget Sound region. I am also pleased to see important immigration provisions included in this bill in an effort to keep all options on the table in the Senate for meaningful immigration reform. Crucially, these improvements to the lives of our families and communities are paid for by creating a fairer tax code – ensuring the wealthy and corporations finally pay their fair share. The negotiations and process to get to this point has certainly been challenging, and I appreciate the leadership of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Chair Jayapal to push for important policy priorities in the Build Back Better Act. Today's passage of the Build Back Better Act in the House demonstrates the importance of the Democratic party coming together to deliver real results to the American people. It is now time for the Senate to swiftly take up the Build Back Better Act so that Americans don't have to wait any longer. Inaction by the Senate is not an option and I have faith in the President that he will continue to move the Build Back Better Act forward." [Statement, 11/19/21]
California Congressman Raul Ruiz, Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus: "The Build Back Better Act is a rocket booster for our local economy and middle-class families in our communities. I voted to pass this much-needed legislation to put money in the pockets of hardworking families and to cut everyday costs in child care, health care, and housing. I am also thrilled that the Build Back Better Act makes $100 million available to address the public health crisis at the Salton Sea. I look forward to getting this bill passed in the Senate and to the President's desk to help families, workers, and seniors succeed and to help our nation Build Back Better than ever before." [Statement, 11/19/21]
California Congresswoman Judy Chu, Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus: "Today, we have demonstrated our commitment to passing transformational assistance for the American people. I am proud that, after months of negotiations and compromises from all sides, our hard work resulted in legislation that will significantly benefit AAPI individuals and families across the country." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Ohio Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus: "Today, thanks to the tireless work of Democrats from across the ideological spectrum, we have delivered President Biden's Build Back Better Agenda, just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. I was proud to play an important role in negotiations that helped to pave the way for this moment. By empowering families with tax credits, child care, and universal pre-K, the Build Back Better Act delivers once-in-a-generation action to lower the everyday costs that burden working families – from health care to child care – while also fighting inflation. This is what it means to deliver For The People." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Washington Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus: "This historic Build Back Better Act delivers on our promise to provide transformative investments in working people across America that will allow them to wake up feeling differently about their daily lives and the opportunities their families have. While operating with the slimmest of majorities and zero Republican votes, Democrats continue to take decisive action to lift up communities throughout this country and make unprecedented investments in progressive priorities including affordable housing, bold climate action, and strengthening the care economy. We will keep leveling the playing field for working families as we not only build back better but fairer." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Michigan Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, Co-Chair of the Democratic Women's Caucus: "For far too long, there's been a serious lack of investment in the American people, especially our most vulnerable and underserved communities. This pandemic has only worsened the inequities that we're seeing in Michigan and across the country. Today, we are working to change that with the Build Back Better Act. I was proud to vote for this historic legislation and seize on this once-in-a-generation opportunity to make transformational investments in women, families, and communities of color. From affordable child care and elder care to raising the pay of care workers and providing universal Pre-K to expanding the child tax credit, this legislation lifts women out of poverty, invests in our children, and lowers costs. As Co-Chair of the Democratic Women's Caucus and 2nd Vice Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, I'm proud to have helped lead the charge in crafting this life-changing bill. It's one that we have not seen in nearly 90 years—since FDR's New Deal. The Build Back Better Act is about who we are as a country and the values we represent. I strongly urge the Senate to swiftly pass this transformational bill so we can build back better for the United States." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Florida Congresswoman Lois Frankel, Co Chair of the Democratic Women's Caucus: "Today is a historic and exciting day for families across America. Now that this transformational bill has passed the House, we are one step closer to delivering on the President's promise to Build Back Better. This bill is a once-in-a-generation investment in the care economy, universal pre-K education, paid leave, clean energy, and lower health care costs, all being fully paid for by making sure big corporations & the wealthiest pay their fair share of taxes. I urge the Senate to take up and pass this bill immediately." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Washington Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, Chair of the New Democrat Coalition: "With the Build Back Better Act, we are making smart investments that will grow our economy, get Americans back to work, and build a brighter future for our kids. This historic legislation includes policies I fought for that will have an immediate effect on our communities and spur long-term economic growth and jobs. It's time that we show the American people that governance can work." [Statement, 11/19/21]
California Congresswoman Barbara Lee: "After months of tough negotiations, and just a few weeks after an historic investment in repairing our crumbling infrastructure, we have delivered President Biden's economic agenda—the Build Back Better Act. This transformational legislation lowers household costs for working and low-income families and enacts tax cuts for the middle class. Affordable housing, climate action, and access to good paying union jobs are central to this legislation, and are crucial priorities in my district and throughout the country. My focus has always been to invest in caregivers, seniors, communities of color and children. This legislation lowers health care and childcare costs, fights inflation by making corporations pay their fair share, and makes the largest investment in addressing the climate crisis in history—and it is paid for. As a participant in negotiations with the Progressive Caucus, the White House, and Congressional leadership, I know how hard everyone has worked to get this done. I commend the leadership of President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, the Progressive Caucus, and the Congressional Black Caucus for their steadfast commitment to building back better and bolder for the people. [Statement, 11/19/21]
California Congressman Ro Khanna: "I'm glad to see the Build Back Better bill pass the House and am grateful to Speaker Pelosi and President Biden for their leadership. This bill should really be called the Pay Less bill because it will help tackle inflation, give working families a tax cut to help pay for things like groceries and gas, and make childcare and prescription drugs more affordable. Everything in the bill is paid for by finally making the wealthiest individuals and giant corporations pay their fair share in taxes. With the Build Back Better bill, Democrats are delivering for the American people." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Colorado Congressman Joe Neguse: "Today as we pass the Build Back Better Act through Congress, our vision to launch a 21st Century Climate Conservation Corps and make historic investments in our forests and watersheds is one step closer to becoming a reality. Through these proposals we are delivering billions for wildfire prevention, public land maintenance, climate action and job training programs that will put a new generation to work in our public lands. The Build Back Better Act will also make historic and transformational investments in our Colorado families by cutting taxes for working families and lowering costs on things like health care, childcare and eldercare. As the father of a 3-year-old, I know firsthand what the high cost of childcare means for so many families throughout our nation. With this plan we are delivering universal Pre-K and financial relief to parents throughout the country. We are delivering historic investments in affordable housing, rural broadband and taking meaningful, substantive action to tackle the climate crisis through an expansion of clean energy and electric vehicles. These proposals will have a meaningful impact on the lives of every Coloradan, and it's critical the Senate complete consideration of this bill immediately and send it to the President's desk for his signature." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Illinois Congressman Mike Quigley: "Our country is recovering not only from a once in a century pandemic but also the worst economic downturn since the 2008 recession. In the wake of this crisis, President Biden and Congressional Democrats have been dedicated to passing transformative legislation to improve the lives of the middle class. Together with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Build Back Better Act represents the largest investment in the American people since the 1960s. For too long, Illinois families have struggled to make ends meet, held back by the soaring costs of childcare, health care, education, and more. Democrats' framework seizes this once-in-a-generation moment to not only rebuild our economy, but also to build a stronger, better future. The Build Back Better Act will create millions of new jobs, lower families' health care costs, expand access to education, give the middle class one of the largest tax cuts in history, and make a historic investment in the fight against climate change." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley: "Generations of underinvestment, policy violence and a pandemic that has robbed us of over 760,000 lives have made one thing clear: our families and communities have been in crisis. As policymakers, it is our duty to respond with urgency and deliver policies and budgets that will have a meaningful and tangible impact on the daily lives of our constituents. Today, I proudly cast my vote in support of the Build Back Better Act, which moves us one step closer to that goal and will begin to lay the groundwork towards a just and equitable recovery. The investments in the Build Back Better Act—in housing, home and community-based services for the elderly and disabled, climate justice, universal paid leave, pre-k and childcare, lower prescription drug costs, and so much more—are the direct result of months of relentless advocacy by House progressives and will help us repair the hurt and harm felt by our communities. While the Build Back Better Act will be transformational and help millions of our immigrant neighbors with temporary protections from deportation and work permits, we must continue working with urgency to secure the critical pathway to citizenship our immigrant neighbors have been denied for so long. I am committed to using every tool available to advance that pathway to citizenship and call on the Senate to consider every option to provide permanent relief. With the House's passage of the Build Back Better Act, we are now closer to enacting President Biden's full agenda—which is the people's agenda. I urge my Senate colleagues to swiftly pass this transformational bill. Our communities have waited far too long, and the people deserve nothing less." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Pennsylvania Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon: "For too long, America's economic policy has revolved around support for the rich and powerful rather than working people. With the Build Back Better Act, that finally changes. "The Build Back Better Act takes action to lower the everyday costs that burden working families — costs like child care, health care, prescription drugs, and housing. From Day One of the Biden administration, Democrats have worked to put more money in Americans' pockets and give the middle class more breathing room as they weather the economic shocks that we've experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing recovery. The Build Back Better Act is the next step in our agenda to support American families by growing the economy from the bottom up and middle out. Until we address the gaps in America's 'human infrastructure,' a majority of Americans — particularly women and people of color — will be unable to participate in our country's social, educational, and economic life. That's why we need universal pre-K, better access to affordable child care, a dependable system of care for our seniors, and investments in higher education and workforce training. This bill is going to help working people in Pennsylvania's 5th Congressional District and across the country. In addition to investing in the American people, it also gives them a tax cut by extending the expanded Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit. Importantly, the Build Back Better Act makes the largest investment to combat the climate crisis in history. It will cut pollution, reduce energy costs, and create good-paying jobs through a transformational investment in clean energy. Together, the investments included in the Build Back Better Act will grow America's economy, advance equity in our communities, and position the nation to compete globally. All of this is paid for by making big corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share. We have the chance to set a new path forward that creates real, sustained economic growth and benefits everyone — not just a lucky few at the top. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to act swiftly and pass this essential legislation to prove that government can work for working people again." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Maryland Senator Ben Cardin, Chairman, Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship: "The House just passed the #BuildBackBetterAct which means mean lower costs for working families in Maryland, universal Pre-K, action on climate, and JOBS. Let's get this done." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry: "Congratulations to House Democrats for passing the Build Back Better Act. This bill puts people first by lowering costs that are out of control & investing in the future for our children. Now it's time for the Senate to get it done so @POTUS can make this help real for Americans." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs: "The House just passed #BuildBackBetter – a big step towards bringing down the costs of housing, child care, and health care. Now it's the Senate's turn. Let's get this done." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
Washington Senator Patty Murray, Chairwoman, Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: "From the start, I've made it absolutely clear: we need both the bipartisan infrastructure law and the #BuildBackBetter Act to give families, workers, and small businesses the opportunities they need to succeed. The Senate should vote on Build Back Better as soon as possible." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
California Senator Dianne Feinstein: "Very pleased the House passed the #BuildBackBetter Act. It expands educational opportunities, invests in housing, boosts child care support, combats climate change, and directs money to wildfire mitigation and drought resiliency. An incredible investment in future generations." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren: "I'm glad the House passed #BuildBackBetter. This bill makes historic investments in child care and clean energy, and will ensure corporations stop cheating the system. Now, it's time for the Senate to quickly act, pass this bill, and get it to the President's desk." [Tweet, 11/19/21]
New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan: "While we have details left to finalize through the Senate process, the House-passed economic package includes important provisions that would help lower costs for Granite Staters and get people back to work. The package would put money back in people's pockets by taking the most significant step in nearly two decades to lower prescription drug costs, as well as by continuing tax cuts for parents through the Child Tax Credit, lowering health insurance premiums, and expanding access to paid leave. It would enable more people to get back to work and support families by investing in workforce training programs, higher education, child care, and high-quality home and community-based care for seniors and individuals with disabilities. And it takes decisive action to combat climate change. I am also encouraged that this bill includes a bipartisan amendment that I authored to double the R&D tax credit for startups and small businesses, which would help New Hampshire small businesses keep creating good jobs and help our innovation economy thrive. This economic package, combined with our bipartisan infrastructure bill, would help get people back to work and lay the foundation for America's future economic strength. These priorities are paid for by ensuring that billionaires and the largest corporations can no longer avoid paying their taxes, and without raising taxes for families making less than $400,000 a year. Though we still have work to do on this legislation, we have the opportunity now to reduce costs and improve the lives of Granite Staters while strengthening the future of our economy, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to reach consensus." [Statement, 11/19/21]
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Members of Congress Applaud House Passage of Build Back Better Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/353531