Joe Biden

Pool Reports of November 27, 2021

November 27, 2021

Pool Reports by Annie Linskey, The Washington Post

Sent: Reports:
November 27, 2021

POTUS pool report #1 - 1:30 PM call time

Good morning from a blustery Nantucket.

Pool has been covid tested and told that call time is 1:30 PM today.

November 27, 2021

POTUS report 2 - lunch lid until 3:45 pm

The WH has called a lunch lid until 3:45 pm.

November 27, 2021

POTUS report 3 - omicron update

From a White House official:

The President has been briefed on the latest on Omicron. At the same time, senior health officials and the COVID response team have been monitoring the latest updates on Omicron and in regular touch with health officials around the world.

November 27, 2021

POTUS report 4 - picking up Biden

At 4:34 pm the motorcade picked up Biden from the Rubenstein property where he's staying with his family

Pool spotted a "Let's Go Brandon" banner hanging from a home set back on Polpis Road on the way to collect POTUS.

Rolling a location on Nantucket.

November 27, 2021

POTUS report 5 - shopping in Nantucket

POTUS report 5 - shopping in Nantucket.

After a brief and uneventful ride the motorcade arrived in the main Nantucket town at 4:43 pm. POTUS went into Murray's Toggery Shop.

Pool did not see him go in.

Pool visited the shop earlier and can confirm that there is a room in the back that specializes in "Nantucket red" apparel.

November 27, 2021

POTUS report 6 - Shopping and church

POTUS report 6 - Shopping and church

Biden came out of Murray's at 4:54. And walked across the street.

Biden did not buy anything at Murray's, per the WH. But when he was inside there was a White House camera and still in the shop.

(Hunter and baby Beau also shopped with potus at Murray's. Natalie was also seen outside the shop.)

Biden entered TownPool, a shop that was selling Biden tee shirts with the "d" replaced with an image of Nantucket.

Biden is drinking a chocolate milk shake despite the cold weather.

At 4:59 he left the TownShop, he's still sipping the milk shake.

Biden ignored several questions about omicron.

At 5:01 pm Biden entered St Mary's Our Lady of the Isle Catholic Church where a 5 pm mass is scheduled.

He was greeted at the church by a clergy member when he got to top of stairs. A boy could be heard saying "Mr. President, he's here."

Pool is holding outside the church.

November 27, 2021

POTUS report 7 - biden leaves church

At 5:51 pm Biden left St Mary's Chruch. He waved to the assembled media but did not say anything.

He walked to the beast. Pool joined the motorcade at 5:54 pm.

November 27, 2021

POTUS pool report 8 - drop off and lid (and cx)

Biden was dropped off at the Rubenstein property at 6:02 pm

The White House also called a lid at 6:02 pm

In Pool report 6, pool inaccurately referred a store Biden entered as TownShop on second reference. It should be TownPool. Apologies for any confusion.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Pool Reports of November 27, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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