(2) Abigail Smith Adams


Abigail Smith Adams 



Death date



John Adams

Dates of service


Relationship to president


Other marriages 




First Ladies National Library Biography of Abigail Adams

White House Historical Association: Abigail Adams

The White House: Abigail Smith Adams

Papers/letters collections

Famous Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams

Adams Family Papers: About the Correspondence between John and Abigail Adams

Historical sites

Abigail Adams Historical Society

Abigail Adams Birthplace

Abigail Adams Gravesite

Fascinating details

  • Abigail Adams was a stronger presence than her predecessor, Martha Washington, evidenced by the fact that she was often referred to as “Mrs. President.”
  • Abigail displayed a strong desire to share her opinions and get involved in politics which aroused controversy for departing with traditional gender roles and norms, although it was supported by her husband, President John Adams.
  • In a letter to John Adams, she urged him to “remember the ladies” which became a phrase commonly echoed by women’s rights leaders.
  • She opposed slavery and promoted women’s education.
  • First ‘first lady’ to live in the White House.

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