(5) Elizabeth Kortright Monroe


Elizabeth Kortright Monroe



Death date



James Monroe

Dates of service


Relationship to president


Other marriages




First Ladies National Library Biography of Elizabeth Monroe

White House Historical Association: Elizabeth Monroe

The White House: Elizabeth Kortright Monroe

Papers/letters collections

Surviving letters to or from Elizabeth Kortright Monroe

Note from Elizabeth Kortright Monroe to Richard Smith 1815

Historical sites

James Monroe Highland

Elizabeth Kortright Monroe Gravesite

Fascinating details

  • She accompanied James Monroe to Paris where she gained a popularity that allowed her to save the life of the imprisoned Marie-Adrienne Lafayette, the wife of a French revolutionary leader and assistant to the U.S. during the American Revolution, Marquis de Lafayette, on January 22, 1795. James Monroe was minister to France from 1794-1796 but remained in France a few months after he was recalled due to slow communication.
  • She is known for restoring a formal hosting style in the White House and drawing from her European experience in doing so. 
  • Elizabeth made it a point to dramatically reduce the social obligations of the first lady in drastic contrast to the efforts of her predecessor, Dolley Madison, and to the dismay of many in Washington.

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