Abigail Powers Fillmore

Death date
Millard Fillmore
Dates of service
Relationship to president
Other marriages
First Ladies National Library Biography of Abigail Fillmore
The White House: Abigail Powers Fillmore
Constitutional Law Reporter: Abigail Powers Fillmore
Papers/letters collections
Manuscripts for: Abigail Fillmore
Library of Congress: Millard Fillmore Papers
Historical sites
Abigail Fillmore Birthplace
Abigail Powers Fillmore Gravesite
Fascinating details
- Abigail Fillmore supported literacy and created the permanent White House reference library.
- Abigail was a schoolteacher and was the first ‘first lady’ to work outside the home after she was married.
- Abigail, like her predecessor Margaret Taylor, did not enjoy participating in social functions, turning to her daughter, Mary Abigail, to fulfill the hostess role of first lady.
- Convinced President Fillmore to put an end to flogging in the US Navy.
- She attempted to influence the president’s decision to veto the Fugitive Slave Act, although President Fillmore did sign the act into law in 1850.
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