Herbert Hoover photo

Executive Order 5213—Amending Schedule A, Subdivision VIII of the Civil Service Rules

October 28, 1929

Schedule A, Subdivision VIII, paragraph 5, of positions excepted from examination under the civil service rules is amended to read as follows:

5. In the Indian Service at large:

(a) Indians employed as disciplinarians, and in minor positions such as judge, chief of police, police private, interpreter, assistant and weaver;

(b) Special commissioners to negotiate with Indians, as the necessity for their employment may arise;

(c) One financial clerk at each Indian agency to act as agent during the absence or disability of the agent;

(d) Physicians employed in the Indian Service and receiving not more than $1200 per annum salary, who may lawfully perform their official duties in connection with their private practice, such employment, however, to be subject to the approval of the Commission;

(e) Superintendents of livestock, stockmen, stock detectives, and line riders;

(f) Special officers to assist in the suppression of the liquor traffic in the Indian Service and among the natives in Alaska;

(g) Superintendent of Indian Insane Asylum, Canton, South Dakota;

(h) Special agent for the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior;

(i) One Indian trade supervisor;

(j) All employees of the Neopit Lumber Mills on the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin;

(k) Attendants employed at hospitals and sanatoria upon the duties of practical nurse, matron, assistant matron, female laborer, assistant, laundress, seamstress, housekeeper, and laborers working inside in connection with cleaning and the care of patients, when, in the opinion of the Commission, it is not expedient to make appointment upon competitive examination.

Paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 26 of said Subdivision VIII are revoked, being included in the several clauses of amended paragraph 5.

Attendants in clause (k) are newly excepted to further the development of the hospital organization in the Indian Service along the lines of other Federal hospitals.

Signature of Herbert Hoover

The White House,
October 28, 1929.

Herbert Hoover, Executive Order 5213—Amending Schedule A, Subdivision VIII of the Civil Service Rules Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/360910

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