Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 6086—Establishing the Rio Grande Wild Life Refuge, New Mexico

March 28, 1933

It is hereby ordered that Executive Order No. 1032, dated February 25, 1909, insofar as it relates to the establishment of the Rio Grande Reservation in New Mexico, for the protection of native birds, be, and the same is hereby, revoked; and it is hereby further ordered that all that area of land and water of the United States within Socorro and Sierra Counties, New Mexico, hereinafter described and shown on the plat hereto attached and made a part of this order, be, and the same is hereby, reserved, subject to uses by the Bureau of Reclamation and to valid existing rights, for the use of the Department of Agriculture as a refuge and breeding ground for birds and wild animals.

New Mexico Principal Meridian

(The survey of the following-described tract was executed by the Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, from April to June 1931. All bearings in the description were turned from the true meridian as determined by altitude observations on the sun during the progress of the survey, and all distances arc expressed in chains. The mean magnetic declination was found to be 13°00' E.)

Beginning at the southeast comer of T. 8 S., R. 3 W.;

Thence northerly, with the east boundary of said township to the corner of secs. 19, 24, 25, and 30 on the west boundary of T. 8 S., R. 2 W.;

Thence easterly, witliin T. 8 S., R. 2 W., between secs. 19 and 30, to the corner of secs. 19, 20, 29, and 30;

Thence northerly, between secs. 19 and 20, to the corner of secs. 17, 18, 19, and 20;

Thence easterly, between secs. 17 and 20, to the closing corner of secs. 17 and 20 on the west boundary of Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 34;

Thence S. 13°26' E., 0.80 chs., along the west boundary of Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 34, to an iron pipe;

Thence within Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 34:

N. 79°12' E., 106.25 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 37°47' E., 65.09 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 7°45' E., 27.20 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 87°19' E., 22.11 chs., to an iron pipe;

N» 42°30' E., 61.01 chs., to U.S.R.S. triangulation station "Craig"; from which a sandstone monument, 1 ft. square and set within the ruins of Old Fort Craig, bears N. 81°45' W., 18.18 chs. distant;

N. 32°30' W., 31.94 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 20°40' W., 98.04 chs., to U.S.R.S. triangulation station "Butte";

N. 10°17' E., 99.92 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 36°30' E., 42.37 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 55°27' E., 31.65 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 66°40' E., 18.50 chs., to an iron pipe, from which U.S.R.S. triangulation station "Old Town" bears N. 15°30' W., 6.36 chs. distant;

S. 15°30' E., 15.91 chs., to an iron pipe in the center of old channel of Rio Grande;

Thence following the center line of old channel of Rio Grande with the following five courses:

N. 70°43' E., 18.34 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 63°45' E., 15.71 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 56°17' E., 6.53 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 68°00' E., 12.78 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 81°40' E., 13.02 chs., to a point on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. right-of-way, opposite the center of railway bridge;

Thence within Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33:

S. 40°26' W., 41.87 chs., along the west right-of-way boundary of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. to a point;

Thence 1.77 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 58.63 chs.;

Thence S. 38°42' W., 39.64 chs., to a point;

Thence 19.33 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 15.23 chs.;

Thence S. 34°01' E., 14.87 chs., to a point;

Thence 11.56 chs., on a curve to the right wTith a radius of 66.02 chs.;

Thence 11.12 chs., on a curve to the right with a radius of 16.61 chs.;

Thence S. 14°22' W., 14.80 chs., to a point;

Thence 5.50 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 87.57 chs.;

Thence 3.04 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 104.93 chs.;

Thence 7.98 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 15.23 chs.;

Thence 3.22 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 13.17 chs.;

Thence 3.16 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 18.13 chs.;

Thence 6.05 chs., on a curve to the left with a radius of 15.23 chs., to a point;

Thence S. 67°40' E., 14.44 chs., to a point;

Thence 5.30 chs., on a curve to the right with a radius of 20.95 chs., to an iron pipe on the west right-of-way boundary of Atchison, Topeka 4 Santa Fe Ry., from which the U.S.R.S. triangulation station "Cantaderio" bears N. 42°00' W., 27.20 chs. distant;

Thence S. 18°09' E., leaving the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. right-of-way, 53.35 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 10°39' E., 45.56 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 22° 38' W., 30.82 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 57°58' W., 17.21 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 30°28' W., 52.58 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 37°39' W., 58.13 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 64°22' W., 13.03 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 0°29' W., 40.30 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 63°35' W., 99.41 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 86°55' W., 30.02 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 33°04' W., 28.59 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 48°56' W., 113.16 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 31°02' W., 41.28 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 6°18' W., 25.97 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 24°39' W., 35.61 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 43°41' E., 51.61 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 14°32' W., 109.15 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 55°51' W., 54.13 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 7°21' E., 30.48 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 70°59' W., 59.30 chs., to an iron pipe;

N. 59°56' W., 24.29 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 50°00' W., 51.96 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 84°47' E., 48.90 chs., to an iron pipe, from which U.S.R.S. triangulation station "Fence" bears N. 26°00' E., 4.39 chs. distant;

S. 59°13' W., 64.96 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 9°16' W., 47.76 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 22°35' W., 31.14 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 5°44' W., 63.16 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 49°22' W., 71.80 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 29°40' W., 45.22 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 40°46' W., 65.45 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 66°09' W., 34.08 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 20°50' E., 26.80 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 2°17' W., 51.10 chs., to an iron pipe;

S. 27°53' W., 56.60 chs., to an bon pipe on the west boundary of Pedro Arinendaris Grant No. 33, common to the east boundary of sec. 15, T. 10S., R. 3 W.;

Thence S. 0°08' E., along the west boundary of the Pedro Arinendaris Grant No. 33, 24.00 chs., to an iron pipe from which the original comer of secs. 15, 16, 21, and 22, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., bears west, 11.14 chs. distant;

Thence S. 0°13' W., continuing along the west boundary of Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33, common to the east boundary of Tps. 10 and 11 S., R. 3 W., 722.56 chs., to the original closing comer of Tps. 11 and 12 S., R. 3 W.;

Thence S. 0°12' W., continuing along the west boundary of Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33, common to the east boundary of T. 12 S., R. 3 W., 72.32 chs., to an iron pipe, from which an original angle comer of Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33, common to the southeast comer of sec. 15, T. 12 S., R. 3 W., bears S. 0°12' W., 120.25 chs. distant;

Thence within Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33:

East, 30.77 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 80.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 40.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

East, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 60.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 40.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 120.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 80.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 40.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

East, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 60.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

East, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

East, 80.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

South, 60.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

West, 60.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 80.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

South, 100.00 chs., to a stone corner;

West, 20.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

South, 100 chs., to a concrete monument;

East, 180.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

South, 80.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

West, 180.00 chs., to a concrete monument from which the original corner of sees. 4, 5, 8, and 9, T. 14 S., R. 3 W., bears S. 14°02' E., 82.47 chs. distant;

North, 20.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

West, 200.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

North, 160.00 chs., to a concrete monument;

West, 20.00 chs., to an iron pipe;

North, 269.47 chs., to an iron pipe;

West, 71.45 chs., to an iron pipe on the west boundary of Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33; this point is identical with the quarter-section comer on the east boundary of sec. 3, T. 13 S., R. 4 W.;

Thence northerly, along the west boundary of the Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33, to the closing comer of Tps. 12 and 13 S., R. 4 W.;

Thence westerly, between secs. 3 and 34, to the quarter-section corner for sec. 34 only;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 34:

Northerly, to the center quarter-section corner;

Easterly, to the quarter-section corner on the east boundary of sec. 34;

Thence northerly, along the east boundary of sec. 34, common to the west boundary of the Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33, to the north sixteenth-section comer on the east boundary of sec. 34;

Thence within Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33:

East, 46.66 chs., to an iron pipe;

North, 60.71 chs., to an iron pipe;

East, 40.54 chs., to an iron pipe;

North, 20.23 chs., to an iron pipe;

East, 40.54 chs., to an iron pipe;

North, 80.94 chs., to an iron pipe;

East, 40.54 chs., to an iron pipe;

North, 70.14 chs., to an iron post on the north boundary of Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33; this point is identical with the closing comer of Tps. 12 S., Rs. 3 and 4 W.;

Thence westerly, along the north boundary of the Pedro Armendaris Grant No. 33, common to the south boundary of sec. 13, T. 12 S., R. 4 W., to the quarter-section comer on the south boundary of sec. 13;

Thence northerly, through the center of sec. 13, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 12 and 13;

Thence northerly, through the center of sec. 12, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 1 and 12;

Thence westerly, between secs. 1 and 12, to the comer of secs. 1, 2, 11, and 12;

Thence northerly, between secs. 1 and 2, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 1 and 2;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 2:

Westerly, to the center quarter-section comer;

Northerly, to the center north sixteenth-section comer;

Easterly, to the northeast sixteenth-section comer;

Northerly, to the east sixteenth-section comer of secs. 2 and 35, on the south boundary of T. 11 S., R. 4. W.;

Thence westerly, between secs. 2 and 35, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 2 and 35;

Thence northerly, through the center of sec. 35, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 26 and 35;

Thence easterly, between secs. 26 and 35, to the comer of secs. 25, 26, 35, and 36;

Thence northerly, between secs. 25 and 26, secs. 23 and 24, and secs. 13 and 14, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 13 and 14;

Thence easterly, through the center of sec. 13, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 13 and 18, on the west boundary of T. 11 S., R. 3 W.;

Thence northerly, between secs. 13 and 18, and secs. 7 and 12, to the comer of secs. 1, 6, 7, and 12;

Thence easterly, between secs. 6 and 7, T. 11 S., R. 3 W., to the quarter-section comer of secs. 6 and 7;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 6:

Northerly, to the center quarter-section corner;

Easterly, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 5 and 6;

Thence northerly, between secs. 5 and 6, to the closing comer of secs. 5 and 6, on the south boundary of T. 10 S., R. 3 W.;

Thence westerly, to the comer of secs. 31 and 32;

Thence northerly, between secs. 31 and 32, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 31 and 32;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 31:

Westerly, to the center quarter-section comer;

Northerly, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 30 and 31;

Thence northerly, through the center of sec. 30, to the quarter-section corner of secs. 19 and 30;

Thence northerly, through the center of sec. 19, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 18 and 19;

Thence easterly, between secs. 18 and 19, to the comer of secs. 17, 18, 19, and 20;

Thence northerly, between secs. 17 and 18, secs. 7 and 8, and secs. 5 and 6, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 5 and 6;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 5:

Easterly, to the center quarter-section comer;

Northerly, to the quarter-section corner of 5 and 32, on the south boundary of T. 9 S., R. 3 W.;

Thence easterly, between secs. 5 and 32, to the corner of secs. 4, 5, 32, and 33;

Thence northerly, between secs. 32 and 33, in T. 9 S., R. 3 W., to the quartersection corner of secs. 32 and 33;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 33:

Easterly, to the center quarter-section corner;

Northerly, to the quarter-section corner of secs. 28 and 33;

Thence easterly, between secs. 28 and 33, to the corner of secs. 27, 28, 33, and 34;  '

Thence northerly, between secs. 27 and 28, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 27 and 28;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 27:

Easterly, to the center quarter-section corner;

Northerly, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 22 and 27;

Thence easterly, between secs. 22 and 27, to the corner of secs. 22, 23, 26, and 27;

Thence northerly, between secs. 22 and 23, and secs. 14 and 15, to the comer of secs. 10, 11, 14, and 15;

Thence easterly, between secs. 11 and 14, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 11 and 14;

Thence northerly, through the center of sec. 11, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 2 and 11;

Thence on subdivisional lines within sec. 2:

Northerly, to the center quarter-section comer;

Easterly, to the quarter-section comer of secs. 1 and 2;

Thence northerly, between secs. 1 and 2, to the comer of secs. 1, 2, 35, and 36, on the south boundary of T. 8 S., E. 3 W.;

Thence easterly, between secs. 1 and 36, to the comer of Tps. 8 and 9 S., Rs. 2 and 3 W., the point of beginning.

It is unlawful within this reservation (a) to hunt, trap, capture, willfully disturb, or kill any wild animal or bird of any kind whatever, to take or destroy the nests or eggs of any wild bird, to occupy or use any part of the reservation, or to enter thereon for any purpose, except under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture; (b) to cut, burn, or destroy any timber, underbrush, grass, or other natural growth; (c) willfully to leave fire or to suffer it to bum unattended near any forest, timber, or other inflammable material; (d) after building a fire in or near any forest, timber, or other inflammable material, to leave it without totally extinguishing it; and (e) willfully to injure, molest, or destroy any property of the United States.

Warning is given to all persons not to commit any of the acts herein enumerated, under the penalties prescribed by sections 106, 107, and 145 of chapter 4, title 18, United States Code (35 Stat. 1098 and 43 Stat. 98), or by section 10 of the Migratory Bird Conservation Act of February 18, 1929 (45 Stat. 1224; U.S.C., Supp. VI, title 16, sec. 715i).

This refuge shall be knowm as the Rio Grande Wild Life Refuge.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
March 28, 1933.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 6086—Establishing the Rio Grande Wild Life Refuge, New Mexico Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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