Executive Order 6348—Modifying Agreement Approved July 27, 1933, Between the President of the United States and the Code Committee of the Cordage and Twine Industry
It Appearing that paragraph 2, schedule A, of the agreement entered into by the President of the United States and the code committee of the Cordage and Twine Industry, approved by Executive order of July 27, 1933, was executed as part of a measure intended to be purely temporary and without opportunity for full consideration of existing conditions in the industry; and
It Further Appearing that in the ordinary routine the adoption of a permanent code for the above industry may be delayed; and
It Further Appearing that said paragraph did not, at the time of its adoption, express the true intent of the parties to said agreement;
Now, Therefore, pursuant to the authority vested in me by title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, and pursuant to the authority vested in me by the above-described agreement with the Cordage and Twine Industry through its code committee:
I agree with the code committee representing the Cordage Institute, the recognized trade association for the Cordage and Twine Industry of America, that the above agreement approved by me July 27, 1933, shall be modified in the following particulars:
In place of paragraph 2, schedule A, of the said agreement there shall be inserted the following provision:
"Every employer in the industry shall increase the rate of pay of all employees paid either by the hour or piece (if not already increased) and shall increase the rate of pay of all employees paid by the day, week or month now receiving less than thirty-five (35) dollars per week (if not already increased) to not less than 90% of the rates paid by said employer or his predecessor in business for the same class of work at the same place of business in June, 1929, provided that no employee shall be paid less than the minimum fixed in this code. In the event any place of business did not have a rate for a particular class of work in June, 1929, the prevailing rate for the same class of work in the competitive district in which the present place of business is located shall govern the application of this provision."
Pending the hearing and approval of a permanent code for said industry the above agreement approved July 27, 1933, shall remain in full force and effect except as hereinabove modified.
Approval recommended:
Hugh S. Johnson.
The White House,
October 20, 1933.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 6348—Modifying Agreement Approved July 27, 1933, Between the President of the United States and the Code Committee of the Cordage and Twine Industry Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/362176