Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim on the Trail: South Carolina and Iowa

June 16, 2023

CHARLESTON, SC –  This week amongst travel in South Carolina and Iowa, Tim Scott rolled out a list of more than 140 endorsements from elected officials across the Palmetto State and announced a group of nearly 70 community leaders to serve on his South Carolina Finance Committee.

Tim also held a town hall in Pella, Iowa on Wednesday. He spoke and took questions from an overflow crowd of more than 250 Iowa caucus-goers.

Tim Scott in Spartanburg, South Carolina with supporters.

Tim Scott in Pella, Iowa with Iowa-caucus goers.

The Post and Courier: "U.S. Sen. Tim Scott is boosting his political capital in his home state, unveiling a list of 69 influential South Carolina donors who will take a leading role in fundraising in the crucial "First in the South" presidential primary state."

WYFF: "He's a common-sense guy... and y'all know that common sense lives in the conservative world. That's what it is and Tim fights for that every day," said Bruce Bannister, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

The Mark Levin Show: "It is possible for America to come together, but not because of the color of our skin, but because of the consistency of our value system that allows people to rise," said Tim Scott.

KCCI: "Some Iowans told KCCI that Scott's message of faith in God and the country is what they're looking for in a presidential candidate."

Shane Vander Hart: Iowa Torch: "A few more people filtering in Pella, I've heard this is the largest group @votetimscott has had for a solo campaign stop in Iowa. These type events are what candidates need to do a lot of all over the state, not just periodic huge rallies in urban areas. #iacaucus"

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim on the Trail: South Carolina and Iowa Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364099

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