Photo of Michael Bloomberg

Statement by Mike Bloomberg on the Senate Acquittal Vote

February 05, 2020

"The trial was a charade, and the vote is a disgrace. I have no doubt that historians will ultimately convict this President, along with the Republicans who lack the courage to do it themselves. But we cannot wait for history to render its verdict – that is our job. We must do in November what all but one of the Senate Republicans did not have the courage to do: vote to remove a lawless, reckless president and turn the page on this dark chapter in the life of our country. And the only way to do that is by nominating a candidate who can build the broadest and strongest coalition to take the fight directly to Trump – and win."

Michael Bloomberg, Statement by Mike Bloomberg on the Senate Acquittal Vote Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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