Joe Biden

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Protecting Arctic Lands and Wildlife in Alaska

September 07, 2023

Since day one, the Biden-Harris Administration has delivered on the most ambitious climate and conservation agenda in history. As part of this unprecedented commitment, the Administration yesterday announced it is taking major action to advance that commitment by canceling the remaining oil and gas leases issued by the previous administration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and proposing new protections for more than 13 million acres within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. These actions will help preserve our Arctic lands and wildlife, while honoring the culture, history, and enduring wisdom of Alaska Natives.

As the climate crisis warms the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the world, President Biden believes we have a responsibility to protect this treasured region and all of America's natural wonders for future generations. That's why the President set a historic goal to conserve and restore 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030 and invested more funding in conservation than any other President in a two-year period. The Biden-Harris Administration will continue to take bold action to meet the urgency of the climate crisis and to protect our lands and waters for generations to come.

See what they are saying below:


Bernadette Dementieff, the Executive Director of the Gwich'in Steering Committee: "AIDEA's leases were economically infeasible, unlawful, and threatened the Porcupine Caribou Herd and the Gwich'in way of life. We thank the Biden administration and Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland for taking this step towards protecting Iizhik Gwats'an Gwandaii Goodlit (The Sacred Place Where Life Begins), but we know that our sacred land is only temporarily safe from oil and gas development. We urge the administration and our leaders in Congress to repeal the oil and gas program and permanently protect the Arctic Refuge." [Statement, 9/6,23]

Kristen Miller, Executive Director of Alaska Wilderness League: "Today is a good day for climate, Indigenous communities, and our Arctic ecosystem. At a time when the reality of the climate crisis is daily news, the Biden administration is taking necessary action in the Arctic to move us toward a more sustainable future. Leases should have never been granted in the Arctic Refuge under President Trump's illegal Coastal Plain leasing program, especially to AIDEA – a state-owned development corporation with a track record of failures and no oil and gas experience. Today's action shows the Biden administration's commitment to long-term climate and conservation solutions for this region. The end to illegal leases, along with strong action toward new conservation protections, show the bold action we need to preserve America's Arctic and address climate change." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Abigail Dillen, President of Earthjustice: "We commend Secretary Haaland for canceling unlawfully issued oil-and-gas leases in the Arctic Refuge. This decisive action undoes an egregious attack on this cherished place and will help to vindicate the rights of Indigenous people and protect vital habitat. Looking ahead, we hope to see the strongest possible protections for the Arctic Refuge and the Western Arctic in the years to come." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Jamie Williams, President of The Wilderness Society: "It is nearly impossible to overstate the importance of today's announcement for the Indigenous peoples in this region, whose cultures and communities depend on the Porcupine Caribou Herd. The herd's calving ground is once again free of oil leases, our climate is a bit safer and there is renewed hope for permanently protecting one of the last great wild landscapes in America. We are profoundly grateful to the Biden administration for taking this step to protect what the Gwich'in know as Iizhik Gwats'an Gwandaii Goodlit – The Sacred Place Where Life Begins – and we call on Congress to repeal the Arctic Refuge oil and gas leasing provision in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and take action to permanently protect the coastal plain for future generations." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Ben Jealous, Executive Director of the Sierra Club: "To quote President Biden, this is a big f-ing deal. Oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Refuge is incompatible with the long-term survival of the Arctic, the Gwich'in Nation's way of life, and life as we know it. By protecting these landscapes and canceling these leases, the White House has made it clear they will take bold action to avert climate catastrophe. The effort to protect and preserve the Arctic Refuge was one of the first major battles of the modern environmental movement. Now, the Arctic and the communities and wildlife that rely on it are on the frontlines of climate change. Today, in listening to the Gwich'in Nation and the American people, President Biden showed that this treasured landscape is also the frontline of climate action." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Jamie Rappaport Clark, President and CEO, Defenders of Wildlife: "Defenders applauds the Biden administration for recognizing the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's unique values and cancelling these questionable leases. The Refuge is a national treasure, home to spectacular wildlife including threatened polar bears and the Porcupine caribou herd, which has provided physical and cultural sustenance to the Gwich'in people for millennia. We stand with the Gwich'in and the vast majority of Americans who support protecting the Arctic Refuge and are grateful the Biden administration addressed the insufficiencies and legal violations of the previous administration's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil and gas leasing program. We now call on Congress to listen to the American people and repeal the program completely, protecting this unique and irreplaceable wildlife refuge in perpetuity." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Collin O'Mara, President and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation: "Protecting the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a victory for the Gwich'in People and the iconic wildlife that depend on the refuge for survival. This action will help ensure that we're not further exacerbating the accelerating climate impacts and habitat fragmentation in the Arctic. We thank the Biden Administration for taking this important conservation action and urge Congress to permanently protect this crown jewel of the National Wildlife Refuge System." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Marilyn Sigman, President of Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges: "We are thrilled that the Biden Administration has canceled these illegal leases. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to a rich biodiversity of wildlife that depend on the large stretches of intact habitat found in the coastal plain and beyond. We thank the President and Secretary Haaland for their support for protecting this jewel of the Refuge System." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Manish Bapna, President and CEO of Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): "It's long past time to stop sacrificing irreplaceable wildlife habitat and Indigenous lands to deepen our dependence on the fossil fuels driving the climate crisis. This puts our future first. It protects the realms of birthing caribou and migratory birds. It safeguards lands the Gwich'in people rely on for their livelihood. Public lands are a public trust. They must be part of the climate solution – not the problem. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the nation's largest wildlife refuge. It's no place for oil and gas drilling and all the damage and danger it brings." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Tiernan Sittenfeld, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs LCV: "We applaud President Biden and Secretary Haaland for these significant steps to protect Arctic communities and our climate. We're thrilled that the cancellation of the illegally held oil and gas leases in the Arctic Refuge will restore lands sacred to the Gwich'in and vital to the health of the Arctic ecosystem. We also applaud the Biden-Harris administration for prioritizing the Arctic as part of their conservation legacy by strengthening protections for 13 million acres in the Western Arctic and addressing Trump's illegal leasing program in the Arctic Refuge. These proposed protections are vitally important for this unique and sacred landscape, and we are eager to work with the Biden-Harris administration to build on today's announcements and permanently protect the Arctic region." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Chantal de Alcuaz, The Alaska Center Co-Executive Director "Alaskan communities are at the frontlines of the climate crisis. It affects all aspects of our lives, from the health of our communities to the health of our economy. The communities of the Arctic have long fought for a voice in the protection of their lands, and this decision by President Biden and Secretary Haaland is a decisive step in the right direction to listen to the needs and the wisdom of those communities. At The Alaska Center, we believe in the sacredness of these lands and the importance of bringing these communities to the decision-making table. We are grateful that leadership is ready to take the necessary steps to confront the climate crisis and help move our state towards a just transition that works with and for Alaskans." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Cassandra Carmichael, Executive Director of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment: "Faith communities across the country have stood in solidarity with the Gwich'in to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil drilling and exploration. In canceling the Arctic Refuge leases, President Biden is not only honoring the sacredness of this unique and fragile part of God's creation, but is acknowledging that protecting the way of life of the Gwich'in is a matter of justice and faithfulness." [Statement, 9/6/23]

David Krause, Interim Executive Director of Audubon Alaska: "We applaud the Biden administration for taking these meaningful steps to safeguard the ecologically and culturally irreplaceable Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Birds migrating from every state and numerous countries, connecting people and communities around the globe, rely on this landscape to complete their life cycle. Canceling oil-and-gas leases in the Arctic Refuge ensures the health of the world's bird nursery and the protection of Indigenous lifeways." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Gwich'in Steering Committee: "The Gwich'in Steering Committee welcomes the cancellation of AIDEA's leases to develop oil and gas on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – land sacred to the Gwich'in and the birthing grounds to the Porcupine Caribou Herd. We are grateful to President Biden and Secretary of the Interior Haaland for their decision. Cancellation of these leases is a step to rectify attempted violence against our people, the animals and sacred land. The leases were economically infeasible, threatened the Porcupine Caribou Herd and the Gwich'in way of life, and if developed would have added to the already deteriorating climate in the Arctic and the world over. Alaska Natives and concerned groups from all over Alaska were excluded from AIDEA's process of making economic and development decisions that affect us all. AIDEA now can focus on its mission to diversify Alaska's economy through transparent and meaningful public engagement with all Alaskans, inclusive of our desire to protect our traditional ways of life for future generations. AIDEA held the last remaining leases in the Arctic Refuge after all other bidders walked away from their leases in 2022. We thank the Biden administration and the U.S. Department of the Interior for taking this step towards protecting the coastal plain and the Porcupine Caribou Herd, but we know that our sacred land is only temporarily safe from oil and gas development. Our concern now is the SEIS process and the mandated second lease sale in 2024.We will always stand strong in unity, in strength and in prayer to protect the Porcupine Caribou Herd, the Arctic Refuge and the Gwich'in way of life." [Statement, 9/6/23]

The Arctic Village and Venetie Tribal governments: "The Arctic Village and Venetie Tribal governments want to extend deep gratitude to the Department of Interior for making the just decision to cancel all Arctic Refuge leases. Allowing any development would irrevocably damage the Refuge, the land upon which we deeply depend. This is a significant step towards true, meaningful protection of these lands that are so vital to the survival of our people now and into the future. Our community has already seen the effects that development can have on our way of life. Recent caribou migration seasons have been increasingly uncertain as the climate changes at a rapid and exponential rate. Any further disruption to the ecological health of these lands puts our very existence at risk, and by canceling these leases, an increasingly uncertain future has become more secure. In addition to preserving these lands, this is a significant recognition of our Tribal Government's urgent, long-standing appeal to respect our way of life that depends unequivocally on the Refuge. By acknowledging our rights as a sovereign government to continue to exist in concert with this land, the Federal Government is one step closer to cultivating a true and productive Government-to-government relationship between the United States and our Tribal Governments. Our people thank you for this historic step towards maintaining Indigenous rights and sovereignty." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Emily Sullivan, communications director for the Northern Alaska Environmental Center: "We are thrilled to see the Biden administration's decision to cancel AIDEA's leases and re-examine the coastal plain leasing program. Today's announcement is a huge win for Indigenous rights and the Arctic ecosystem–while we still have work ahead of us to protect this vital landscape, we are confident that canceling these illegal leases has set us on the right track." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Brook Brisson, senior staff attorney with Trustees: "Today's decision to cancel AIDEA leases puts right a wrong–those leases were based on a Trump-endorsed leasing program that is rife with legal errors and never should have been issued in the first place. Today's actions are a step toward protecting the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge from reckless and needless industrialization and fossil fuel exploitation that would sacrifice communities, animals, the planet, and future generations." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Helen Cherullo, Braided River Executive Director: "With the cancelation of these leases, this decision serves as a beacon of hope; for the life and land of the Arctic Refuge, for the sovereignty of the Gwich'in and Inupiat communities, and for addressing the climate and biodiversity crisis of Planet Earth," [Statement, 9/6/23]

Steve Blackledge, Senior Conservation Campaigns Director for Environment America: "The Arctic Refuge is like nowhere else on Earth, hosting roaming caribou herds, a kaleidoscope of migratory birds, denning polar bears and so much more. Arctic wildlife are already struggling. To give them a fighting chance, we need to safeguard their habitats, and that means no leasing and no drilling in the refuge." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Geoffrey L. Haskett, President of the National Wildlife Refuge Association: "The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is an integral part of our nation's conservation heritage," "As one of the largest tracts of untouched wilderness and most ecologically diverse areas in the United States, it is up to all of us to ensure our Arctic Refuge remains permanently protected to safeguard the irreplaceable landscapes that innumerable species of wildlife call home. We thank the Biden administration for taking this important step towards long-lasting protection of its wildlife and the continued way of life for the Indigenous peoples of northeastern Alaska." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Karlin Itchoak, The Wilderness Society's senior regional director for Alaska: "Oil drilling on the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge endangers not only one of the most beautiful and intact landscapes left in America, but it poses an existential threat to Alaska Native communities that depend on clean air and water, and plentiful subsistence resources such as a healthy Porcupine Caribou Herd. We are grateful to the Biden administration – which has shown a strong commitment to conservation and Indigenous rights – for taking these meaningful steps. We appreciate that the administration is recognizing the importance of what the Gwich'in know as Iizhik Gwats'an Gwandaii Goodlit – The Sacred Place Where Life Begins – and we call on Congress to repeal the Arctic Refuge oil and gas leasing provision in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and take action to permanently protect the coastal plain for future generations." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Steve MacLean, Managing Director, Arctic Program WWF: "This is a monumental step in the right direction. We must continue to do all we can to permanently protect the Arctic Refuge from harmful oil and gas development. Science is warning us that fossil fuels need to stay in the ground, greenhouse gas emissions are now 50% higher than pre-industrial levels. We appreciate the Biden Administration's ongoing efforts to support long-term protection of America's Arctic: a vital ecosystem essential to the well-being of wildlife, communities and our entire planet. The refuge supports an extraordinary abundance of wildlife, from caribou to muskox to denning polar bears and is home to Indigenous communities whose ancient traditions are deeply rooted to the land and sea. The Porcupine Caribou Herd birth their calves here – a reliable source of sustenance for the Gwich'in and Inupiat people for thousands of years. Disturbances to the caribou's habitat would be devastating to both wildlife and local communities. Unsustainable and risky development that will exacerbate climate change impacts is not the answer. Economic analysis also indicates that refuge leases are not profitable. Dependence on oil and gas revenue has to change. Instead of looking for additional lease opportunities, we should be looking for economically viable, alternative livelihood solutions that will support local communities and transition away from fossil fuels and new drilling." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Climate Power deputy executive director Claire Moser: "The oil and gas industry is raising prices, ripping off families at the pump, and taking taxpayers for a ride as they exploit our public lands at fire sale prices. And at every turn, Republicans are working overtime for Big Oil, whether it's trying to repeal the clean energy plan or giving oil and gas CEOs cover for price gouging. By contrast, President Biden is protecting our natural resources – canceling these unneeded and uneconomical leases in one of America's most special places, unleashing a massive clean energy boom thanks to historic climate investments, and standing up for workers and communities across the country. There is a stark contrast between the progress we've made under the Biden Administration and the regressive, anti-climate, pro-oil agenda offered by Republicans." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Jenny Rowland-Shea, director of Public Lands at the Center for American Progress: "President Biden has single-handedly rescued one of America's most iconic and sensitive landscapes from the brink of destruction. These moves will help prevent oil and gas leasing from ruining the Arctic Refuge, an area critical to Indigenous people and to wildlife. The draft conservation regulations in the Western Arctic, where the controversial Willow drilling project was recently approved, are a welcome first step toward better aligning the management of the area with national climate, conservation, and environmental justice goals. America's Arctic presents an unparalleled opportunity to protect public lands on an unprecedented scale, prevent climate change, and sustain the biodiversity that we all rely on. President Joe Biden is fulfilling his promises to put people and planet before oil and gas profit and cementing his conservation legacy." [Statement, 9/6/23]


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: "Thank you to President Biden for taking this important step to protect the coastal plains of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This is one of America's treasures and should not be opened up to oil and gas drilling." [Tweet, 9/6/23]

Chairman, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Delaware Senator Tom Carper: "I applaud @POTUS and @SecDebHaaland for canceling these remaining oil and gas leases in the Arctic Refuge. Protecting this land, water, and wildlife will help preserve the way of life for the nearby Indigenous people and benefit our planet for generations to come." [Tweet, 9/6/23]

Chairwoman, Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Washington Senator Maria Cantwell: "The Biden Administration is doing the right thing preserving one of America's greatest remaining pristine ecosystems for the benefit of future generations, Indigenous communities, and our shared climate. Today's decision overturns the Trump Administration' last minute attempt to circumvent environmental laws and jam through drilling in the pristine Arctic Refuge. Now we need to permanently protect these irreplaceable areas and facilitate new economic opportunities based on preserving America's pristine public lands for outdoor recreation." [Tweet, 9/6/23]

Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey: ". @POTUS & @SecDebHaaland are right to cancel the illegal oil and gas leases in our Arctic Refuge, protecting this land for Arctic Indigenous people and wildlife, and taking an important step for the Western Arctic. Now let's go further to permanently protect America's Arctic." [Tweet, 9/6/23]

New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich: "As someone who has seen the Arctic Refuge and the Western Arctic with my own eyes, I applaud these conservation efforts by President Biden. There is no more important work than passing our nation's public lands and wildlife on to the next generation." [Tweet, 9/6/23]

California Congressman Jared Huffman: "?Huge news from the Biden administration: @Interior will strengthen protections for 13 million acres in Alaska & cancel all remaining oil & gas leases in the Arctic Refuge! This is crucial for protecting our public lands + tackling the climate crisis." [Tweet, 9/6/23]

Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva: "Of all the Trump administration's shameless gifts to Big Oil, the ANWR leasing program had to be one of their most egregious. They illegally cut corners on environmental reviews, ignored major concerns from the Gwich'in who rely on the region's caribou for subsistence, and peddled exaggerated job and revenue claims—all just so Big Oil could unenthusiastically throw a few bucks at a couple of leases that clearly didn't interest them much. The ANWR lease sale never should have happened. I'm glad to see the Biden administration putting our legal and moral responsibilities to protect our environment, listen to tribes, and do right by American taxpayers above polluter profits with this decision. I'm also pleased to see the administration prioritizing the conservation of the arctic landscape by moving forward to protect 13 million acres in the NPR-A. There's no question that climate change is already taking its toll in the arctic, but decisions like these will help us mitigate some of its worst effects." [Statement, 9/6/23]

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Protecting Arctic Lands and Wildlife in Alaska Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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