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Harris Campaign Press Release - West Des Moines Democrats Chair Victor Dutchuk Endorses Kamala Harris

July 04, 2019

Today, on the heels of her debate victory and on the second day of her three day Iowa swing, West Des Moines Democrats Chair and Iowa National Guard veteran Victor Dutchuk endorsed Senator Kamala Harris. West Des Moines was a critical voting block in the 2018 Blue Wave elections in Iowa. Dutchuk's endorsement comes one day after he hosted Harris at the annual West Des Moines Democrats' 4th of July Summer Picnic.

"Senator Harris is for the people and I am for her," said Dutchuk. "Her focus on issues such as affordable healthcare, higher wages and quality education are just one example of the priorities she shares with everyday Americans."

"Senator Harris has demonstrated the courage to take on the most challenging and important issues -- and the ability to stand toe to toe with any opponent. She has also shown us all that she has what it takes to call out President Trump and send him packing from Washington," he concluded.

Harris' visit to the state is giving her the opportunity to hear directly from Iowans about the issues that keep them up at night. At events during her swing, Harris has been discussing her "3AM Agenda" to find solutions for these issues and her plans to take action to make their lives better.

Kamala Harris, Harris Campaign Press Release - West Des Moines Democrats Chair Victor Dutchuk Endorses Kamala Harris Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/365327

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