Photo of Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - Mike Bloomberg 2020 Releases Blistering New TV Ad Calling Out President Trump Over Demeaning, Disrespectful, and Shameful Treatment of Military Leaders

January 23, 2020

The new ad, entitled "Pentagon," will air nationally beginning today

NEW YORK — Today, the Mike Bloomberg 2020 campaign is taking aim at President Trump in a forceful new campaign ad condemning his demeaning treatment of America's most decorated military leaders. In one of the starkest depictions of Trump's volatile personality, the new ad underscores his disrespect for military service and sacrifice, and his recklessness in dismissing the advice of top military advisors. It also reminds viewers of the chaos Trump has sown throughout the military and federal government. The TV ad will run nationwide.

This morning on "Fox and Friends," Mike Bloomberg 2020 Campaign Manager Kevin Sheekey spoke about the new 30-second ad and about how shameful it is that Trump disrespects members of the military who sacrifice so much to keep us safe.

"These men and women risk their lives, they keep us and our families safe, and protect this country at home and abroad," Sheekey said. "Trump should be heaping praise about their service and sacrifice, not stripping them of their dignity."

Mike has been running a national campaign to beat Trump, and "Pentagon" is the latest in a series of ads calling out Trump on his failures and vulnerabilities. The ad quotes Trump calling United States military leaders, "a bunch of dopes and babies," and follows on the heels of ads highlighting Trump's broken promises on health care and infrastructure — and on his failure to address pressing problems like climate change.

By contrast, Mike has a long record of supporting members of the military, veterans, and military families. During his three terms as New York City's mayor, he launched the Veterans Employment Initiative to help veterans find jobs and housing as they returned to civilian life.

"The U.S. military is a professional, disciplined force, but I don't think that President Trump has treated it as such," Mike wrote recently in the Military Times. "He has ignored the advice of senior officers, overruled commanders' advice on military punishments and made strategic decisions that have abandoned our partners on the battlefield."

Unlike Trump, Mike will not only give our members of the military the respect they deserve, but also support in the Pentagon, on the battlefield, and during their transition to civilian life.

Mike will continue to highlight Trump's irresponsible behavior in the coming months, as he has in other ads. Trump is attacking affordable healthcare for all in one healthcare ad.

In another ad, Trump makes promises about rebuilding the country's infrastructure that he doesn't keep. View more videos and subscribe to Bloomberg 2020's YouTube channel.

Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - Mike Bloomberg 2020 Releases Blistering New TV Ad Calling Out President Trump Over Demeaning, Disrespectful, and Shameful Treatment of Military Leaders Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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