Photo of Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - New York Congresswoman and Chair of the House Appropriations Committee Nita Lowey Endorses Mike Bloomberg for President

February 20, 2020

WESTCHESTER-ROCKLAND, NY — New York Congresswoman (NY-17) and Chair of the House Appropriations Committee Nita Lowey endorsed Mike Bloomberg for president, lauding his proven leadership as Mayor, his support for vital progressive causes, his commitment to repair the United States' reputation abroad, and a belief that Mike is this country's best chance to beat President Donald Trump. Lowey's endorsement is yet another example of the strong momentum Mike Bloomberg 2020 is building in New York, following several congressional endorsements from the state.

"Mike and I have worked together for years in New York, and whether it's homeland security or gun safety, there's no one you can depend on more to get important initiatives over the finish line," said Congresswoman Nita Lowey. "After four years of the damage Donald Trump has inflicted on our nation, we need someone who knows how to get things done from day one in the Oval Office. We need a president who will restore our image on the world stage, repair our relationships with our allies and reassure the world that the United States is a reliable partner. We need a leader who will protect our elections and democracy, and combat climate change. And, we need someone in the White House who will help secure a bright future for our children and families, free of gun violence, with opportunity for educational success and good jobs, and with access to affordable health care and prescription drugs. That person is Mike Bloomberg, and there's no doubt about it, no matter how big the challenge, Mike will get it done."

"For more than 30 years, Rep. Nita Lowey has served her district and her country with distinction, protecting Americans from dangers at home and abroad and leading as a champion and role model for girls and women everywhere," said Mike Bloomberg. "As mayor of New York City, I was grateful for Rep. Lowey's support in rebuilding our region after 9/11, and I'm honored to have her support now. Rep. Lowey knows a threat when she sees one, and she knows that Donald Trump serves only himself, putting Americans at risk. As president, I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Congresswoman Lowey is currently serving her sixteenth term in Congress, representing parts of Westchester and Rockland Counties. She was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1988 and served in the Democratic Leadership in 2001 and 2002 as the first woman and the first New Yorker to chair the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. She broke the glass ceiling as the first woman to chair the House Appropriations Committee. Before being elected to Congress, she served as Assistant Secretary of State for the State of New York.

A longtime champion of human rights and enhancing the role of women in development, Lowey has taken a key role in fighting for democracy, justice, and economic opportunity around the world. Lowey is also a strong advocate for women, children, and families. She has been a champion of education throughout her career, and under her leadership, federal funding for after-school programs, recently renamed The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers, has increased from $1 million in 1996 to $1.25 billion today. A former co-chair of the House Pro Choice Caucus, she is a pivotal leader in defending a woman's right to choose and providing record levels of funding for family planning services and basic health care for women and men across the country and around the world.

Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - New York Congresswoman and Chair of the House Appropriations Committee Nita Lowey Endorses Mike Bloomberg for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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