Photo of Julian Castro

Castro Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying: Iowans Wowed By Secretary Castro's First Trip to the Hawkeye State

February 25, 2019

SAN ANTONIO, TX, (February 25, 2019) — In case you missed it, late last week and over the weekend, Secretary Julián Castro barnstormed Iowa, visiting big cities and small towns to hear from voters and caucus-goers in the Hawkeye state about the issues that are important to them. Overwhelmingly, Iowans were impressed by Julián's eagerness to travel to communities not typically visited by Democratic presidential hopefuls, and that he didn't focus on big rallies or isolated gatherings with party leaders.

"He came from Orange City, he's going to Buena Vista County," Iowa State Senator Al Sturgeon told KCAU ABC 9. "He's going to some of the areas where Democrats don't do that well to say we're a party for everybody, every county, every state and I think that's the type of courage you need."

"I just think it's really important that Julián, as a candidate of color, is willing to come to our district — immediately," Brigham Hoegh, chairwoman of the Democratic Party in Audubon County, told the Texas Tribune. "He could've written us off and said, 'I'll spend time in Des Moines and Iowa City' and whatnot, but he came here, right away."

Secretary Castro reiterated on the road that although he's not currently a front runner, his vision for our country's future will resonate strongly with Iowans and all Americans ahead of the Iowa caucuses. Secretary Castro made 13 stops over three days in his first trip to Iowa as a presidential candidate, prioritizing intimate gatherings with voters in rural communities over large, staged events in big cities. A number of articles underscore how impressed Iowan voters were with Secretary Castro's message on the road this weekend.

The Denver Post noted that Secretary Castro "edged out the competition" at Saturday's Story County Democrats Soup Supper in Ames featuring Senator Kamala Harris and Governor John Hickenlooper. "He had a lot of good things to say," Bry Walton told the Denver Post, adding that he reminds her of former President Barack Obama. "Castro's story of giving up his job as an attorney in order to cast a vote against a client while on the San Antonio City Council was especially powerful, Walton said."

"He's the only candidate here," said J.D. Scholten, former candidate for Iowa's 4th Congressional District to the Dallas Morning News. "We've seen it in the past. If you work your tail off and you know retail politics, it's anyone's game."

"I've been following the Castro brothers for years, always interested in their political careers," said Heather Chamberlin, an east side resident of Des Moines, following Secretary Castro's town hall at Grandview University. "I came out here because I was thrilled to see what Julián had to offer," Heather said, underscoring the importance she places on gun violence prevention policy. "He's out here promising positive solutions that everyone can agree on. He's out here to make change. He has passed my litmus test and I'm supporting him."

Carolyn Klaus, a 69-year-old Ames resident, told the Des Moines Register that she appreciates Secretary Castro's "focus on the people." Judith Lemish, a 59-year-old pharmacy technician from Ames, said she was drawn to Julian's youth and energy.

Secretary Castro's trip comes on the heels of his campaign's announcement that he plans to visit all 50 states during the primary and ahead of his first trip to Idaho and Utah later this week. In a video posted to the campaign's website, Julián asked voters to invite him to their hometown while the campaign maps out the Secretary's travel in the weeks ahead.

Julián Castro, Castro Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying: Iowans Wowed By Secretary Castro's First Trip to the Hawkeye State Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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