Bernie Sanders

Sanders Campaign Press Release - Bernie 2020 Receives the Endorsement of Prominent Artists and Actors

March 03, 2020

WASHINGTON – On Super Tuesday, Bernie 2020 announces the endorsements of Eve Ensler, Kirsten Dunst, Kristen Wiig and Sarah Silverman.

Ensler, Dunst, Wiig, and Silverman join a long list of prominent women in the arts and politics who endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders' 2020 bid for president, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Cynthia Nixon, Naomi Klein, Helen Hong and Zephyr Teachout.

"All his life, Bernie Sanders has had the courage to speak the truth, even when no one else would," Dunst said. "He stands up for people—all people. Right now we need his courage and conviction to bring justice to this country, to the environment and to the world. It is my honor to join my voice with his, and with voices of the millions of hardworking people who know a better world is possible and are ready to fight for it. Together we will win."

"There is a movement happening. People in this country are coming together; people who not only want change, but people who believe in helping and bettering the lives of our fellow Americans," said Wiig. "There is someone out there who has real solutions. There is someone out there who sees the need for politicians to not work for themselves or a select few, but to work for the people. There is someone who believes it is a human right for every citizen to have health care. There is someone who wants to help young Americans get the education they want and deserve without being burdened with debt as they venture out into the world trying to better their lives, and the lives of others. That person is Bernie Sanders. He is real, and he is truthful, and he is caring. He cares about you. Please, join us in supporting someone who can make great and beautiful changes to this great and beautiful country. Choose community. Choose change. Choose progress. Choose our planet. Choose kindness. Choose Bernie."

"We don't need a savior as president; we need someone who empowers a movement around him," Ensler said. "Bernie's movement is made up of working people of every race that are the backbone of our country: teachers, farmers, social workers, domestic workers and service workers. It is made up of working women who hold up this country, have been ignored far too long, know what is best for themselves and need us to respect them and trust them. I am standing with Bernie Sanders and the movement to elect him president because he understands the intersections that create violence all around us and has built a multi-generational, multi-racial, multi-issue movement to combat them."

Sarah Silverman, who spoke at a Los Angeles rally drawing thousands of Sanders supporters Sunday, stated, "I'm with Bernie because he fights for equality, not just for his people, but for all people. He has the audacity of wanting to give people who may not have been given the same opportunities as you and me, the same opportunities as you and me. Bernie cares as much about your grandchildren as he does about his own grandchildren. That is what we need in the White House. We need Bernie."

In a campaign funded by individual, small dollar donations, women make the most contributions to Bernie 2020. In fact, Sanders has received more donations from women than any other Democratic candidate.

Bernie Sanders, Sanders Campaign Press Release - Bernie 2020 Receives the Endorsement of Prominent Artists and Actors Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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