Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden for President Raises $46.7 Million in March
March Marks Campaign's Best Fundraising Month
Biden: "We are leading a unified Democratic party to take on Donald Trump."
Tonight, Biden for President announced that it raised $46.7 million during March, which marks the campaign's best performing fundraising month since the launch of Joe Biden's presidential campaign almost one year ago. In March, 70% of contributions came in online, the average online donation was $40, and teachers were once again the leading occupation of donors.
As the nation grapples with the ongoing public health and economic crisis, Vice President Biden announced the news first to supporters tonight, expressing his deep gratitude for their contributions and ensuring our campaign prepares to take on Donald Trump.
"It was your support which has made us the presumptive nominee of our party. That is something no one was predicting just a little over a month ago. Many of the so-called experts had declared our campaign over. Not you. You and so many others lifted us up on your shoulders, generated record levels of turnout, and propelled us in state after state to a historic comeback victory," Vice President Biden wrote to supporters. "Now I am especially proud to say that every one of our primary opponents has endorsed our campaign. We are leading a unified Democratic party to take on Donald Trump."
Below is the full message Vice President Biden sent to supporters:
I hope and pray you and your family are staying safe and well.
We're going through a difficult time in our country. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have contracted the coronavirus, tens of thousands have lost their lives, and millions of Americans are out of work. And all of us have seen our lives change in ways we never imagined would happen. But we're also seeing extraordinary acts of courage from millions of Americans every day all across the nation.
This virus has also changed our campaign. We haven't been able to travel, go door-to-door, or hold public events. But what hasn't changed is the unwavering support we've gotten from you and all our supporters. In fact, our campaign has only gotten stronger. For that, I am both incredibly humbled and inspired. Humbled because I know how hard it is in this moment for people to give. And inspired because I know I have to work even harder.
Let me give you just a few numbers.
In March alone, because of people like you, we were able to raise $46.7 million.
-- 70% of our money came in online.
-- $40 was our average online donation.
-- And the highest number of donors by occupation was teachers. That is especially meaningful to both me and my wife, Jill, since as you may know, she is a teacher herself.
It was your support which has made us the presumptive nominee of our party. That is something no one was predicting just a little over a month ago. Many of the so-called experts had declared our campaign over. Not you. You and so many others lifted us up on your shoulders, generated record levels of turnout, and propelled us in state after state to a historic comeback victory. Now I am especially proud to say that every one of our primary opponents has endorsed our campaign. We are leading a unified Democratic party to take on Donald Trump.
I know this outpouring of support isn't about me. It's about what's at stake for our nation. I know we will overcome this crisis and emerge from it a stronger, better and fairer nation. We won't just rebuild our nation, we will transform it. And that all begins with making sure Donald Trump is a one-term president.
Throughout this campaign, I've talked about the soul of this nation. We're seeing it. We're seeing it on display in this crisis. People reaching out to help their neighbors. Doctors, nurses and hospital workers courageously putting the public good ahead of their own safety. Governors -- Democrats and Republicans -- stepping up to lead. Millions of Americans, one by one, making the decision to follow the social distancing guidelines -- and in so doing, bringing us one step closer to beating this virus and opening our economy. We are seeing the very best of ourselves during this crisis. And it makes me so darn proud to be an American.
When you see the bravery and goodness and decency of so many Americans, it confirms what we all know: We are so much better than this president. And I'm honored you have rallied around my campaign as an important step forward for this country.
I know that April may not match March in fundraising, and that's okay by me. The world has changed a great deal. It's unrecognizable at times. Your family and your community need your generosity and strength now more than ever.
But if you can give this month, I hope you will. Because we will still be campaigning as hard as ever to take the strongest fight possible to Donald Trump. He has a lot more money than us, and we are facing an uphill battle trying to catch up now.
So if you can help us keep pace, I may give you a call to thank you myself. I'm calling at least one supporter a day, and if you chip into this email, it could be you soon.
Thanks for your time and thank you for your faith in me.
Joe Biden
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden for President Raises $46.7 Million in March Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/366846