Photo of John Delaney

Delaney Campaign Press Release - Delaney Begins Iowa Television Ad Campaign with Super Bowl Spot

January 30, 2018

Delaney will make sixth campaign trip to Iowa this weekend

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) will be on the air in Iowa this Sunday with a Super Bowl spot. The ad, titled "Dirty Word" will air in the Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport and Sioux City markets and will highlight Delaney's bipartisan approach. The spot is the beginning of a month-long, million dollar Iowa television buy from the Delaney campaign, that will feature multiple ads. Delaney will make his sixth campaign trip to Iowa this weekend.

Delaney announced his campaign in July with an op-ed in the Washington Post, writing: "our government is hamstrung by excessive partisanship. We are letting critical opportunities to improve the country pass us by. And we are not even talking about the most important thing: the future. The victims of this leadership failure are the good people we are sworn to serve, and we are leaving our country ill-prepared for dramatic changes ahead."

In 2017, Delaney was named one of the World's Greatest Leaders by Fortune for his work in building support for a bipartisan infrastructure plan. Gov Track rates Delaney as one of the most bipartisan members of the House of Representatives, currently ranking sixth amongst House Democrats for having Republican cosponsors for his legislation and ninth amongst all members for cosponsoring bipartisan bills.

The ad's script:


It's true.

We openly admit it.

John Delaney said a dirty word in Davenport

Then repeated it in Des Moines

And Sioux City too.

In fact, he's been saying it all

across the state.

Unabashedly telling people he's

a firm believer in, well…






It might be a dirty word in


But it seems to be awfully

refreshing right here in Iowa.

John Delaney, Delaney Campaign Press Release - Delaney Begins Iowa Television Ad Campaign with Super Bowl Spot Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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