Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott Previews Debate, Slams Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Pentagon Abortion Policy

November 02, 2023

"Not only can we win the primary, but we could bring new voters... into the Great Opportunity Party and have that governing mandate that comes from a red wave." – Tim Scott

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA  This morning, Tim Scott joined The Brian Kilmeade Show to discuss the GOP debate next week and the importance of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel. Tim also discussed Joe Biden's Pentagon  policy of using taxpayer funds for abortion travel.


Brian Kilmeade: Are you upset with Tuberville?

Tim Scott: Listen, the problem we see today can be solved by Joe Biden today. We should not be using federal tax dollars for abortions, period. In no way, no shape, and no form should that be the case. It has not been the case until Joe Biden's administration took office. He is the problem. He also has the solution, period. It is not even a complicated conversation to have.

Brian Kilmeade: But Senator Sullivan, Senator Romney, you just heard from Sullivan, Ernst. Senator Graham thinks Tuberville is picking the wrong, he's punishing the wrong people and it's hurting our readiness. Do you believe that?

Tim Scott: I believe that Joe Biden is the problem. Joe Biden is hurting our readiness if there's a problem there. Joe Biden is a person who's derelict in his duties. He understands the objective more than anyone else. He's agreed with that objective for 45, 46 years, and now he's all of a sudden changed his course. The problem can be solved by this administration, and oh, by the way, our military should be focused on lethality, not all of the social challenges that has been brought into the military by this President focusing back on lethality. Eliminating the current debate over abortion is something the President of the United States can do right this very moment on his own. No action from Congress. Just do what the law says.

Brian Kilmeade: Alright, so you're with Tuberville?

Tim Scott: He is right on this issue.

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott Previews Debate, Slams Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Pentagon Abortion Policy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/367670

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