Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 7656—Modification of Executive Order of June 8, 1929, Creating Potash Reserve No. 7, New Mexico

July 13, 1937

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by the act of June 25, 1910, 36 Stat. 847, as amended by the act of August 24, 1912, 37 Stat. 497, and for the purpose of effecting an exchange of lands under the provisions of the act of June 28, 1934, 48 Stat. 1269, as amended, without mutual reservations of potash and associated minerals, the Executive Order of June 8, 1929, creating Potash Reserve No. 7, New Mexico No. 2, is hereby modified and amended so as to exclude from the said reserve the following-described selected lands, and, in lieu thereof, to include in the said reserve the following-described base lands:



T. 3. S., R. 25 E.,
     Sec. 21, E½;
     Sec. 22, lots 2 and. 6;
     Sec. 27, W½W½;
     Sec. 28, NE¼NE¼, and NE¼SE¼:
     Sec. 33, NW¼NE¼, SE¼NE¼, NW¼NW¼, and NE¼SE¼.


T. 4 S., R. 25 E.,
     Sec. 2, lots 1, 2, and 8, and SE¼NE¼;
     Sec. 11, E½SE¼;
     Sec. 12, SW¼NW¼ and W½SW¼;
     Sec. 13. S½SW¼ and SW¼SE¼;
     Sec. 14, E½SE¼;
     Sec. 24, W½NE¼ and SE¼NW¼;
     Sec. 25, SW¼NE¼, W½NW¼, and SE¼NW¼.

This order shall be effective both, as to excluded and included lands concurrently with the revestment of fee title to the said base lands in the United States.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
July 13, 1937.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7656—Modification of Executive Order of June 8, 1929, Creating Potash Reserve No. 7, New Mexico Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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