Pool Reports by Mark Z Barabak, Los Angeles Times
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January 27, 2024 13:18 PST |
Vice Presidential Travel Pool Report, 1/27, #1 Vice Presidential Travel Pool Report, 1/27, #1 - Wheels down Harry Reid International Airport VP and the Second Gentleman arrived from LA, touching down below a hazy blue sky, at 12:47 p.m. Temperature 61 degrees, on the way to a forecast high of 64. The couple emerged from AF 2 at 1:05. Waiting at foot of stairs was Democratic Rep. Steve Horsford, NV Atty Gen Aaron Ford and one other gentleman, described as staff, your pooler did not recognize. The VP hugged Horsford then the group made chitchat for a few moments out of your pooler's earshot. Horsford clapped the Second Gent on the back as they wrapped up. The Veep waved to pool and rest of press corps as she walked to her black Chevy Suburban. She took no questions. Motorcade rolling to Chef Jeff at 1:11 p.m. Took no questions. Super Bowl LVIII will be played here in Las Vegas in 15 days. That is all |
January 27, 2024 14:50 PST |
VP Travel Pool 1/27, #2 Chef Jeff's Apologies in advance. It was a very tight pool situation and your pooler was shuffled back-and-forth, in-and-out, just long enough to overhear snippets of conversation but not get any names/IDs of any conversants. Event took place in a block-sized industrial kitchen. Your pool was ushered into Chef Jeffs at 1:47 when the VP was midway through a conversation with a young man. "It takes courage" to dive into something unfamiliar, the VP told him. You sometimes make mistakes, but learn from them, she said, and do better. Horsford was at her side. Your pooler was then ushered out. Then back in, where she was talking to a young man ladling out small portions of jambalaya he had made. "Let's talk about your process," the VP said. Your pooler was then ushered out. Then back in, as she was talking to a young man making cupcakes. Pouring chocolate batter into a 24-count tin. "I'm very proud of you," the VP said. When informed that one of the people at the work station was related to Motown legend Mary Wells, the VP's eyes grew wide. "Is that right," she said. "My goodness!" Then your pool was ushered out a last time. The VP stepped to lectern at 2:12. She said one of the country's fundamental principles is a belief in redemption Of course, she said, if you do wrong you need to pay the consequences. But allowing folks a second chance is part of being a civil society. Mentioned as SF DA she started one of the country's first re-entry programs. "Every person in America should have access to opportunity." Extols new SBA program, saying it would give opportunity to folks like those at Chef Jeff"s. She spoke a little over five minutes. SBA chief Guzman then extolled the record of administration on promoting small biz. Horsford then extolled the administration's record, saying it championed "unprecedented access" to SBA loans, especially for women and Black and Latino businesses. Am told a full transcript will be coming from WH. Program ended and your poll ushered out at 1:51 p.m. That is all. |
January 27, 2024 15:28 PST |
VP Travel Pool Report 1/27, #3 Mothership Coffee Roasters The VP.s motorcade pulled up on the commercial strip on Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas at 3 p.m. Traveling party crossed beneath an archway consisting of two twisted big rigs and down a terraced pocket park to Miothership Coffee Roasters. VP arrived at 3:04 and was immediately rushe by a little girl who wrapped her arms around the VP's legs. Huge smile from the VP. She greeted the family awaiting her. Don't know the girls name, but she is the daughter of Juanny Romero, the founder of Mothership. Am told, and you'll need to CQ, she was honored as a leading Nevada small business owner and visited the White House last year. The VP greeted the family like familiar faces. "Can I get some caffeine," the VP said. She cradled the little girl's face in her hands and asked, "What happened to your teeth? Did the tooth fairy come?" VP then approached the counter and ordered an iced oat milk latte with one shot. Made small talk with the three barristas Could not hear. She then went over to table and sat down with Juanny Romero, who wore a gold chain and a tan sweatshirt reading, "Mothership." Your pooler was ushered out at 3:09 to hold in van, presumably as the Vice President enjoyed said latte. 3:25 ruling to IBEW event That is all. |
Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of January 27, 2024 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/369687