Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - The Democrats Are Afraid...Very Afraid

August 18, 2023

CHARLESTON, S.C. – A Joe Biden strategist admitted that Democrats are terrified of facing Nikki Haley in the general election.

"When you ask President Joe Biden's brain trust who they're really worried about, you'll hear one name. 'If they nominate Nikki Haley, we're in trouble,' said a senior Democratic strategist close with the Biden campaign."

It's not hard to see why. In the past seven days, Haley blitzed the Iowa State Fair, hammered Joe Biden on the two-year anniversary of the fall of Kabul and the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, and spoke at Erick Erickson's 2023 Gathering in Atlanta. Oh, and the super PAC affiliated with Haley's campaign dropped two new ads in Iowa and New Hampshire, highlighting Haley's toughness in facing off against the world's dictators.

Next week, Nikki Haley will be in Milwaukee for the first Republican presidential debate. Buckle up.

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  • NH Journal: New ad touts Haley's tough stance on China to connect with NHGOP voters
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What people are saying about Haley's Iowa State Fair performance...

Des Moines Register: "Nikki connected with real people in real ways. She met cattle farmers, ate at local vendors, flipped pork, played games with Sen. Joni Ernst, and talked at length with Gov. Kim Reynolds. No one else did all of that.

"The real question is why others aren't doing things the way Nikki does? We should expect every candidate to campaign the Iowa Way. If they aren't willing to host town halls, attend roundtables with local leaders, and answer questions from Iowans, what does that say about their commitment to Americans? If they ignore us now, they'll ignore us later, especially when they don't need our votes anymore.

"The 'Iowa Way' is the hard way, the long way, the time consuming way. But it's critical to sniffing out the candidates who are in the race to save America versus those who just want to boost themselves." – Sen. Chris Cournoyer, 8/16/23

CNN: "Nikki Haley's... spending considerable time here at the Iowa State Fair as she has been doing for months, holding town meetings across the state. She is calling for a new generation of leaders." – Jeff Zeleny, 8/12/23

Forbes: "When you talk to her and listen to her discuss her goals as president, she provides specifics. She doesn't just say, 'I'll lower the debt and I'll secure the border,' like everyone else. Instead, she gives detailed plans on how she intends to achieve those goals... She believes in the everyday person. She takes the time to answer any question you have..." – Roger Helmrichs, Iowa supporter, 8/13/23

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - The Democrats Are Afraid...Very Afraid Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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