Joe Biden

ICYMI: President Biden Announces New Actions to Secure the Border

June 05, 2024

Yesterday, President Biden announced new executive actions to bar migrants who cross our Southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. These actions, which will be in effect when the border is overwhelmed, will make it easier for immigration officers to remove those without a lawful basis to remain and reduce the burden on our Border Patrol agents.

President Biden took these actions after Republicans in Congress repeatedly chose to put partisan politics ahead of our national security, twice voting against the toughest and fairest set of border reforms in decades. The President once again called on Congressional Republicans to quit standing in the way of the policy reforms and resources that our border personnel need.

See below for key coverage and reactions to the announcement:

Coverage Highlights

On the Airwaves

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security

The president implored congress to fund this department and other departments that administer our immigration laws, as we need to be resourced. The President, in August, submitted a supplemental funding package. Then again, in October, he submitted another supplemental funding package, and neither was picked up by congress, most regrettably, most unfortunately. We then went into an arduous, hard-working process, to develop bipartisan senate legislation that would have fundamentally fixed our asylum system and once and for all properly resourced this department and the departments of justice and state. Twice congress failed to pass that legislation, so the President took this executive action within his lawful authorities.

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security

Where we need bipartisan unity is where we had it in the proposed legislation that senators and this administration worked so hard to achieve. That bipartisan legislation would have provided the toughest, statutory toughest new laws to further secure our southern border in more than three decades. It would have allowed us to hire 1,500 more U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel. More than 4,000 asylum officers more than 100 immigration judges, and it would have funded technology. We've been talking about strengthening the security of the border since day one. The challenge of irregular migration is very, very dynamic. Our personnel, our border patrol agents, are doing extraordinary, heroic work every day 24/7. We need more tools. We need our broken immigration system fixed. We need more resources. And the American people deserve it.

Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ)

Well, he's been calling on Congress for the last three and a half years to do something on this issue. We were going to have more Border Patrol agents on the border, funding for that, more CBP agents, judges to adjudicate asylum claims, machines to detect fentanyl, changes in asylum policy. These were all very positive steps. I spent a lot of time on the on the border in Arizona, and it's very unfair, especially to the Border Patrol agents who have, who often, you know, lose control of the situation. The President was put in a situation where he had to do this unilaterally without congress. But ultimately, the solution is for Congress to come back together.

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

The President is taking action, you're not. And while those political critics will use whatever political statement, that moves attention from the fact that they've made New Mexicans less safe. They haven't funded more Border Patrol agents. They aren't using other that they're allowing other border governors to close ports of entry, which means billions of dollars of trade and food to New Mexicans doesn't come over. I want a President that regardless of what critics will say will do the right work in the moment that demands it. That's exactly what he's done here. And you're right. And so is everybody else. More needs to be done. And I'll keep fighting that fight with Congress and I'll keep working with this administration doing everything in our power until people come to their senses in congress and pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Tom Perez, White House Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

This is a really important step that the President has taken. Now, there's no substitute for comprehensive immigration reform. I worked in the US Senate in 1996. That was the last time immigration reform passed. It was bipartisan in 1996. And by the way, it was a presidential election year. People put country over party. We can't accomplish that right now, because the Republicans refused to vote for what would have been the toughest border security bill, certainly in my lifetime. And so, when the Republicans refuse to do that, the President was left with no choice but to take executive action. And that's exactly what he did today. I think it will help deter people from coming in what we call irregularly, and by irregularly, I mean, you're not crossing at a port of entry.

Secretary Xavier Becerra on Univision's Despierta America
One of the first proposals that President Biden sent to Congress was an immigration reform, but Republicans in Congress do not want that reform. President Biden is taking executive action to put the border in order.

Blas Nunez Neto, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Border and Immigration Policy
This goes into effect tonight, and it will be in effect until we are at a level where we have seen 1500 encounters or less for seven consecutive days.
This is really an exercise of our own authorities and individuals who are processed at the border will be processed much more quickly than they were before.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul

It's a great idea because you have to deal with the cards you've been dealt. If the Republicans had not listened to Donald Trump four months ago they would have done it the way you're supposed to do it. You pass it through congress. It was a bipartisan deal. money for border agents. money for interdiction of drugs. money for technology. And they refused to do it because they thought it would give president Biden a win. He did not want to have to do this.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg of San Antonio, Texas

I mean, this is one step of a larger context that the Biden Administration has been working on a whole of government approach that includes diplomacy with Mexico and with the State Department working on solutions inside the interior of Mexico and other South American communities. In addition to that, cracking down on smugglers and making it easier for us to apply penalties. It is a whole of administration approach with the exception of Congress whose job it is to reform our immigration policies, and, frankly, you know, yesterday was a good day for communities who have been overwhelmed, NGOs and local governments who have been dealing with the impacts of the migration influx in a way that upholds our priorities. Our priorities are to maintain order, protect public safety and treat people with dignity and humanity. We've been able to do that through cooperation with the White house, with FEMA, with resources. Those resources are stretched, and so the President is doing what needs to be done within his authority in the void of congressional action. Last year at the U.S. conference of mayors, cities, bipartisan leaders of cities all across the country got together to support the actions that were being announced by a good faith group of Senators on the bipartisan border deal that would have reformed some of the policies that were needed, but nothing has been done and inaction is not an option, and I appreciate the President stepping into the void with something that needs to be followed with more comprehensive action.

Mayor and Lawmaker Gaggle at the White House:
To Congress: We need to step up. We need Republicans to actually help us and not keep planning partisan politics.

Mayor Victor Trevino of Laredo, Texas
First of all, we don't have all the resources to deal with the migrants coming to our border, especially medical services. We are medically under underserved as it is and we don't have a lot of infrastructure. And being able to deal with poverty and people that are homeless would be another situation that we don't want to have that happen in our community.

Mayor Victor Trevino of Laredo, Texas
We that live in work at the border do see that impact and we know that there has to be steps to improve immigration reform and I think this is a first step to do so. There's a lot of other things that have to go into doing immigration reform and that is because the laws are so antiquated, they'd been antiquated for over 20 years. So we need to focus on reform and that I think would be more impactful situation.

Mayor John Cowen of Brownsville, Texas
REPORTER: Mayors Norma Sepulveda of Harlingen, Ramiro Garza jr. of Edinburg and John Cowen of Brownsville were with the President today. Brownsville mayor John Cowen calling this a step in the right direction because in Brownsville they've seen upwards of 240,000 illegal crossings
MAYOR COWEN: if it does become a problem, I think now they have another tool in their toolbox at the for the fellow federal government to enforce, you know, immigration law, right and people that are crossing illegally will be deported and barred from re- entering. so i think that's a strong message to people that want to come to united states saying you got to do it the right way and follow the process and i think that's what that's what everyone wants. i think that's a bipartisan effort people want that.

Mayor Ramiro Garza of Edinburg, Texas
MAYOR GARZA: I think this will help facilitate them coming here in an orderly way.
REPORTER: Some border mayors from Texas, applauding the President's move at the White House Tuesday.
MAYOR GARZA: This does not fix our entire system. but it's a lot of work to do, right. but this is a step in the right direction.

Mayor Norma Sepulveda of Harlingen, Texas
MAYOR SEPULVEDA: This does not prevent anyone from seeking asylum. It just encourages folks to do it the right way and the safe way and the reason behind that is because we want to take care of people. We don't want people dying in the desert. We don't want people dying in the river.
REPORTER: Mayors say the Executive Order should only be the beginning and that they still need more resources handle the migrants who are already in their communities.

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security: This plan is quite different than what the former President issued. The former president had no exceptions to the bar on asylum. What we have done is not only established exceptions, for example, unaccompanied children will not be subject to the asylum bar. But very importantly, this executive action is taken in the context of all of the lawful pathways that we have built for individuals to lawfully safely and in an orderly way, apply for asylum, and gain the benefit of humanitarian relief in this country, whether it is through our CBP one application at the ports of entry that allows 14 to 1500 people each day to access humanitarian relief in the United States. Whether it's a parole program for Cubans Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans, that allows up to 30,000 individuals per month to access our asylum system. This is markedly different than what the prior administration promulgated.

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security: It will be in effect immediately. The way in which they can seek asylum now, with this order in effect, is by using the CBP one app and making an appointment to arrive at the port of entry at a port of entry in a safe and orderly way, or accessing one of our many other lawful pathways that we have established for people to receive humanitarian relief without placing their lives in the hands of smugglers. More than a million people have accessed those lawful pathways in the past year. So, asylum is very much still alive. But we are deterring irregular migration in between the ports of entry, and trying to cut out the smugglers, which is not only a matter of criminal justice, but a humanitarian imperative.

Statements from National and Local Leaders

Members of Congress

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY): "Today, @POTUS will issue an executive order on the southern border
Let's be clear: The strong bipartisan border bill would have been more effective
@POTUS has said he prefers legislation
But the GOP blocked it for Trump—twice
@POTUS has little choice but to act on his own" [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

"Later today, President Biden is expected to issue an executive order addressing the problems happening at our southern border.

"As the President makes his announcement, let's be very clear about one thing: legislation would have been the more effective way to go. President Biden has been clear from the beginning he prefers legislation, but given how obstinate Republicans have become – turning down any real opportunity for strong border legislation – the President is left with little choice but to act on his own.

"Republican intransigence has forced the President's hand. For years, Republicans insisted again and again and again that the border was in crisis, but when they had the opportunity to correct it, they killed the strongest bipartisan border bill Congress has seen in decades. Why did they kill it? At the behest of Donald Trump, who said he wanted chaos at the border until after the election.

"Shame on our Republican friends. They say they want to protect the border. Donald Trump comes out with a very crass statement, let's keep it in chaos so I might win the election. And they go along. They do a 180-degree turn. That's a disgrace, and it's forced President Biden to act the way he does, which is a lot better than doing nothing, but not as preferable as passing legislation, as the President admits.

"We had an opportunity to pass a strong bipartisan border bill back in February, and just over a few weeks ago.

"Both times, Republicans put politics ahead of bipartisanship, and blundered the best chance we have seen in decades to pass a border security bill America urgently needs. Americans will not easily forget it." [Remarks, 6/4/2024]

Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ): "President Biden's plan is a welcome action that will help address urgent needs at the border. In Arizona, where Border Patrol agents and nonprofits are often overwhelmed by daily migrant crossings, this new effort will support their crucial work and help relieve border communities from the burden of our broken immigration system.

"But make no mistake—this is only necessary because Congress has failed to do its duty to help fix the border and there is no substitute for that. The Senate has twice had the opportunity to take, up an agreement negotiated by Republicans and Democrats to invest in more Border Patrol agents, technology and personnel to stop fentanyl officers to ,quickly screen asylum claims, and other lasting solutions, but both times my Republican colleagues walked away.

"Today is a step forward for the federal government to better support Arizona and I'll keep working with anyone to fix our border and our broken immigration system." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM): "Our immigration system and border security need a reset and the President's Executive Order is an important step in delivering that. Now we need to use this moment to reform the system. That includes addressing overuse of the asylum process so legitimate asylum seeks can be processed in an orderly way, increasing effective border security, reducing the current, enormous wait times for visas, and expanding the legal pathways to citizenship for DREAMers. From our front row seat to the dysfunction at the border and in our immigration system, New Mexicans see the effects – on immigrants, border communities and national security. We want action. I applaud the President's action today and urge him to continue to exercise his authority to tackle as much as he can, given the Senate Republicans' refusal to act." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH): "President Biden is taking executive action today to address the border crisis because Republicans have twice turned their backs on a comprehensive bipartisan border bill." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH): For years, under administrations of both parties, I have pushed to strengthen security at the border, and it is something I have heard about directly from frontline law enforcement officers at the border. President Biden's new executive actions recognize the need to help manage the flow of those seeking to enter the United States while still protecting people fleeing from torture and other exceptional circumstances. But a sustainable solution to securing the border requires Congress to act – which is why Congress should take up and pass the negotiated bipartisan border security package that was blocked by Senate Republicans at Donald Trump's behest. This was the strongest bipartisan border security package to be proposed in decades; I will continue pushing to pass this and get other resources to the border to strengthen security and crack down on the deadly flow of fentanyl." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO): "Today's executive order is a result of Republicans boycotting a border security bill they demanded and negotiated. President Biden is doing what he must – but we could do far more, far better if Republicans actually cared to solve the crisis and reform our immigration system." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV): "President Biden's actions here will help secure our border, but we can't fully address the issue without meaningful legislation that Republicans have repeatedly blocked. I will keep fighting to pass bipartisan border security legislation in the Senate." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV): "The Admin's executive actions will take important steps to get the crisis at the southern border under control & stop the flow of deadly drugs like fentanyl. In the months ahead, we will need continued action to ensure a secure border while fixing our broken immigration system." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

  • "We must secure the border and ensure a more humane and orderly asylum process. If Congress can't put partisanship aside and get it done, then @POTUS must act." [Tweet, 6/3/2024]

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY-08): "It's important that the president is planning to take decisive action given the fact that extreme MAGA Republicans have decided to try to weaponize the challenges at the border" [Interview, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV-01): "In light of House Republicans' refusal to come to the negotiating table, @POTUS today took steps to address the untenable situation at our Southern border.

As I've said before, we need commonsense, bipartisan immigration reform to address these longstanding challenges." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX-32): "Our border communities need more than talking points and photo ops, they need action. And while I have been critical of this Administration's approach to the border, if it is implemented correctly this Executive Order could bring long overdue relief to our border communities. This action will not entirely solve this crisis but we are here because of Ted Cruz's efforts to block any solution to our broken immigration system. There is no substitute for comprehensive Congressional action o secure our border and get Texas border communities the resources they need. Ted Cruz will never be part of a solution, but in the Senate, I will." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Nikki Budzinski (D-IL-13): "I'm glad to see @POTUS taking action to help restore order at the border. This is an important move, but it doesn't excuse Congress from critical action enhancing security and reforming our broken system. We must advance bipartisan legislation to address this crisis immediately." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Marilyn Strickland (D-WA-10): "Last month, MAGA extremists and the
@HouseGOPblocked a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration bill from the Senate. They failed the American people.

@POTUS and @HouseDemocrats are fighting to break through the gridlock and come to a solution." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03): "House and Senate Republicans have rejected every serious legislative effort to address and end the crisis at the border. I applaud President Biden for his leadership and for taking action to address the problems we are seeing at the border. It is critical that we strengthen border security and limit unlawful border crossings. President Biden and Democrats are working to secure our border while expanding safe, lawful pathways for migration." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

New Democrat Coalition: "With today's announcement, President Biden is taking decisive, commonsense action to restore order at the southern border at a time when Congressional Republicans continue to use it as a political football. This executive order will reduce the burden on Customs and Border Protection, immigration courts and the immigration system, and the communities we represent.

We are encouraged by the President's executive order, but it's ultimately Congress' job to address this crisis through real, sustained investments in border security and meaningful immigration reform.

New Dems have worked tirelessly to find bipartisan consensus on policies that secure the border, support law enforcement, reform the asylum system, and provide a pathway to citizenship for those who qualify. At every turn, Congressional Republicans have blocked progress for their own political gain – and that of Donald Trump.

It's time for Republicans to put politics aside and finally join Democrats in passing the bipartisan border bill for the good of the American people. Guided by our Framework for Commonsense Immigration Reform, New Dems will continue fighting to find common ground and deliver bipartisan solutions to restore order at the southern border." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN-02): "This step from the Biden Administration will help us start to get the situation at the border under control, but Congress must take action on a more permanent fix. I stand ready to work with anyone, from either side of the aisle, on legislation that will help restore order at the southern border. I will continue to monitor the situation at the border as this executive order takes effect, and I welcome any additional action from the President on this issue in the meantime." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH-09): "This is a first step in the right direction, but we must do more to secure our borders. I am ready to work with both Republicans and Democrats to do what it takes to secure the border and stop the flow of drugs into the United States. America needs partisan extremists in Washington to come to the table and work across the aisle to stop the flow of illicit drugs like fentanyl and illegal activity from traversing our borders. The President's actions are an interim step forward." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA): "I'm encouraged by @POTUS' actions to help restore order at our border and reduce stress on overwhelmed legal immigration channels. But we can't fully address the issue without Congressional action. Republicans must stop blocking lasting fixes to our broken immigration system." [Tweet, 6/4/24]

Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA): "I applaud @POTUS for taking actions to strengthen our border security – but make no mistake, we cannot fix our broken immigration system without Congressional action. Congress must work together to pass bipartisan border reform." [Tweet, 6/4/24]

Rep. Greg Stanton (D-AZ): "Since Republicans walked away from a bipartisan border security deal, today President Biden is taking decisive action to get the border under control. This executive order will take immediate steps to reduce the burden on law enforcement, our under-resourced immigration system, nonprofits and border communities in Arizona. Ultimately, though, it's Congress' job to address this crisis through sustained investments in border security and meaningful immigration reform. That remains my north star, and I'll work with anyone- Republican or Democrat- to get it done." [Statement, 6/4/24]

Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY): "In May I worked with my Republican Rep @repfitzpatrick urging President Biden to bring 'Order to the Border' and limit asylum and speed up the process. End the chaos. Those that are saying "too little, too late" are in fact those who have forced Congress to do NOTHING. They are responsible for total inaction. This bold, executive action is what is needed to reduce the burden on our Border Patrol and fix our system. Lawmakers must come together now to call a vote to secure the border and reform immigration for good." [Tweet, 6/4/24]

Rep. Marc Veasey (D-TX): "For months, Republican extremists have blocked a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration deal from moving forward. The American people deserve better. That is why Democrats in Congress are working with @POTUS to break through the gridlock to deliver solutions." [Tweet, 6/4/24]

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX): "While this is a move in the right direction, the President's executive action alone cannot be not a substitute for changing our immigration laws or addressing current funding or staffing shortages. I urge my House Republican colleagues to bring the Bipartisan Senate Border package to the floor for a vote so that we can properly fund our border authorities, humanely and efficiently process migrants, and strengthen our Southern Border." [Statement, 6/4/24]


Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI): "President Biden's executive action will help secure our country's border by making it easier for immigration officers to remove those who are here unlawfully, reducing the burden on our Border Patrol agents. Today's announcement builds on the president's work to deploy a record number of border agents and officers to the southern border. The American people want real solutions, and President Biden is delivering today.

"However, we still need Congress to act on legislation that will strengthen these efforts. President Biden sent Congress a comprehensive immigration reform plan on day one, and repeatedly requested more border resources from Congress, only to be blocked by Republicans. They should stop playing political games and work with the administration on a coordinated, bipartisan federal solution to fix our broken system.

"As governor of Michigan and commander in chief of the Michigan National Guard, I will continue to approve federal requests for Guard deployments to the southern border -- just as we have under both the Trump and Biden administrations.

'We must work together to put politics aside to secure our border and keep people safe.'" [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Governor Ned Lamont (D-CT): "The executive actions President Biden announced today underscores his commitment to securing our border – a commitment that Congress must now support through bipartisan action. To be effective, his executive actions need more border security agents and personnel that only Congress can authorize and fund, not more obstructions from Republicans.

"Importantly, these actions differ from the previous administration's policies by ensuring that migrant children remain with their families and by providing exceptions for unaccompanied minors and trafficking victims. President Biden's actions build on previous efforts to crack down on drug trafficking, increase border enforcement, restrict visas for those profiting from illegal migration, and expedite immigration case resolutions.

"However, the most effective way to secure our border remains through legislative action. Congress must pass the bipartisan border security legislation authored by Senator Chris Murphy and Senator James Lankford that includes adding thousands of Border Patrol agents and officers, investing in technology to combat drug trafficking, and expanding the personnel necessary to resolve immigration cases swiftly and fairly. President Biden is fulfilling his responsibilities, and now it is time for Republicans in Congress to do the same." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Governor Jared Polis (D-CO): "President Biden is stepping up to meaningfully address immigration challenges and improve border security while Congressional Republicans sit idly by and continue playing politics that Americans are tired of. I applaud President Biden's leadership and urge Congress to join President Biden in putting people over politics to secure our border and reform our broken immigration system." [Statement, 6/4/2024]

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM): "President Biden is committed to doing his job to secure our border. It's time for Congress to do theirs." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY): "Republicans in Congress are blocking common-sense reforms to our nation's immigration system. Today I'm joining @POTUS as he announces new executive action to address the migrant and asylum seeker crisis." [Tweet, 6/4/2024]

Governor Maura Healey (D-MA): "I think what President Biden did today is important. It's about strengthening the border. It's about providing more resources to homeland security, which will do a few things: secure the border, intersect fentanyl trafficking, also intersect human smuggling.

"We've got a bigger national issue when it comes to immigration, which is why we need Congress to act. We're going to continue to see migration because of the geopolitical forces, some of the violence in these countries, and people are just seeking a better life." [Statement, 6/4/24]

Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA): "Reminder that the GOP have refused to secure the border. They voted AGAINST:

  • 1,500 additional Border Patrol agents and CBP officers
  • 1,200 Immigration & Customs Enforcement Personnel
  • Technology to stop the flow of fentanyl

Only thing they're interested in is playing politics. [Tweet, 6/4/24]

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., ICYMI: President Biden Announces New Actions to Secure the Border Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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