Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 7024—Restoring Certain Lands to the Territory of Hawaii

April 22, 1935

Whereas the absolute fee and ownership of the following-described lands were ceded to the United States by the Government of the Republic of Hawaii and accepted by joint resolution of Congress approved July 7, 1898 (30 Stat. 750); and

Whereas such lands, together with other lands, were set apart by Executive order of January 5, 1900, for the use of the United States Treasury Department as a site for a United States Marine-Hospital; and

Whereas such lands are now required by the Territory of Hawaii for the construction of & highway, to be known as the New Punchbowl Road;

Now, Therefore, by virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 91 of the act of April 30, 1900 (31 Stat. 159), as amended by section 7 of the act of May 27, 1910 (36 Stat. 447), it is ordered that the lands within the following-described boundaries, situated on the southeast slope of Punchbowl, Kewalo, Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, be, and they are hereby, restored to the possession, use, and control of the Government of the Territory of Hawaii:


Being a strip of land 60 ft. wide required for the New Punchbowl Road.

Beginning at a point in the middle of the gully near the east end of this parcel of land and on the south side of proposed New Punchbowl Road (60 ft. wide), the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government survey triangulation station "Punchbowl" being 1,150.59 ft. south and 2,912.28 ft. east, and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south:

1. On a curve to the left with a radius of 686.8 it., along the south side of the proposed New Punchbowl Road, the direct azimuth and distance being 144°56'33", 153.33 ft.;

2. 138°32', 105.64 ft., along the south side of proposed New Punchbowl Road;

3. Thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 448.3 ft. along same, the direct azimuth and distance being 109°47', 431.25 ft.;

4. 81°02' 112.39 ft., along the south side of proposed New Punchbowl Road;

5. 180°00', 60.74 ft., along Territorial Government land;

6. 261°02', 102.93 ft., along the north side of proposed New Punchbowl Road;

7. Thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 508.30 ft. along same, the direct azimuth and distance being 289°47', 488.97 ft.;

8. 318º32', 105.64 ft., along the north side of proposed New Punchbowl Road;

9. Thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 746.8 ft. along same the direct azimuth and distance being 323°10', 120.65 ft.;

10. 360°00', 22.11 ft., along the west side of old Punchbowl Drive;

11. 342°07', 76.48 ft., along same to middle of gully;

12. 110°02', 23.84 ft., along middle of gully;

13. 120°47', 35.27 ft., along middle of gully to the point of beginning, containing an area of 51,833 sq. ft., or 1.19 acres.


Being that portion of the United States Marne Hospital Reservation situate on the south side of the New Punchbowl Road (60 ft. wide).

Beginning at a point in the middle of the gully at the east end of this parcel of land and on the south side of proposed New Punchbowl Road (60 ft. wide), the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government survey triangulation station "Punchbowl" being 1,150.59 ft. south and 2,912.28 ft. east, and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south:

Along the middle of the gully for the first six courses, the direct azimuths and distances between points in the middle of said gully being:

1. 120°47', 77.03 ft.;

2. 146°30', 117.00 ft.;

3. 127°35', 58.00 ft.;

4. 147°50', 86.00 ft.;

5. 105°35'30", 197.70 ft.;

6. 74°50', 271.35 ft.; thence

7. 180°00', 105.80 ft., along Territorial Government land;

8. 261°02; 112.39 ft., along the south side of proposed New Punchbowl Road;

9. Thence along same on a curve to the right with a radius of 448.3 ft., the chord azimuth and distance being 289°47',431.25 ft.;

10. 318°32', 105.64 ft., along the south side of proposed New Punchbowl Road;

11. Thence along same on a curve to the right with a radius of 686.8 ft., the direct azimuth and distance being 324°56'33", 153.33 ft., to the point of beginning.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
April 22, 1935.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7024—Restoring Certain Lands to the Territory of Hawaii Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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