Presidential Job Approval
Below are links to data tables and graphs of Gallup Presidential Approval data for each President starting with Franklin D. Roosevelt. It has been common since 2000 for there to be multiple national polls asking about public approval of the President. But Gallup is the only source consistently asking the same approval question since the dawning of the era of scientific opinion polling:
Question: Do you approve or disapprove of the way [enter President name] is handling his job as President?
On the pages below we reproduce the data we have assembled from published sources reporting public approval, disapproval, and the proportion who don’t know or have no opinion.
We also show the reported dates over which polling took place (“Start Date” and “End Date”). In our graphs, the data points are associated with the first day of the polling period.
The tables and graphs for prior presidents are fixed and will not change (unless we become aware of errors). The table and graph for the current president will be updated periodically. Click on the name to be directed to the relevant page.
Donald J. Trump (2nd term)
Donald J. Trump (1st term)