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Romney Campaign Press Release - Tim Pawlenty: Mitt Romney Will Collect on President Obama's "One Term Proposition"
Mitt Romney
Romney Campaign Press Release - Former Rep. Barbara Vucanovich: Gingrich Was "Erratic," "Arrogant," "Didn't Listen to Anybody"
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Again Calls on Newt Gingrich to Make Good on Ron Paul Supporter Abuse
Ron Paul
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Releases Economic 'Plan to Restore Nevada'
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Announces Colorado Steering Committee
Rick Santorum
Statement by Ron Paul on the CBO Debt Report
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum is the "Only One"
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Douglas County, Colorado Board of Education Members
Remarks in Tampa Following the Florida Primary
Romney Campaign Press Release - Speaker Goes Speechless: Newt Can't Explain Support for ObamaCare Mandate