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Press Release of Senator John F. Kennedy on Sen. George Smathers as Assistant Democratic National Chairman
John F. Kennedy
Press Release of Senator John F. Kennedy on Farmers for Kennedy-Johnson, Washington, DC
Press Release of Senator John F. Kennedy, on Minimum Wage Bill, Washington, DC
Press Release of Senator John F. Kennedy on National Committee of Business and Professional Men and Women for Kennedy and Johnson, Washington, DC
Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy Delivered in the Senate on "Airlift Africa"
Text of a Letter by Senator John F. Kennedy to Senator Clinton Anderson
Text of the Telephone Message Sent by Senator John F. Kennedy to the National Association of County Officials Meeting Miami, FL
The Need for Leadership: An Address in Greensboro, NC, by Vice President Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
Press Conference of Vice President Nixon, WFMY-TV, Greensboro, NC
Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Memorial Program, 25th Anniversary of Signing of Social Security Act, Hyde Park, NY