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Response to a Congratulatory Message from Governor-elect of New York William Sulzer
Woodrow Wilson
Telegram to Woodrow Wilson Congratulating Him on the Election Victory
William Jennings Bryan
Statement Conceding the Presidential Election
Theodore Roosevelt
Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination of the Republican Party
William Howard Taft
1912 Democratic Party Platform
Democratic Party Platforms
Republican Party Platform of 1912
Republican Party Platforms
Telegram to William Howard Taft Conceding the Presidential Election
Telegram to William Jennings Bryan Responding to His Telegram Conceding the Presidential Election
Telegram to Republican National Committee Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
1908 Democratic Party Platform
Republican Party Platform of 1908
Statement Following Defeat in the Presidential Election
Alton B. Parker
Telegram to President Roosevelt Conceding the Presidential Election
Statement Following Victory in the Presidential Election
Response to a Congratulatory Telegram from Alton B. Parker
Remarks Accepting the Republican Nomination for President
1904 Democratic Party Platform
Republican Party Platform of 1904