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Romney Campaign Press Release - Senator Bob Dole: "Mitt Romney is the Kind of Man that Iowans Should Support"
Mitt Romney
Statement by Mitt Romney: Vaclav Havel Inspired Freedom's Allies
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Video: Newt Defends Constitution From Elitist Judges
Newt Gingrich
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Newt's Daughter Campaigns in New Hampshire
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Mailer Drops to 60,000 Iowa Caucus Households
Rick Santorum
Perry Campaign Press Release - Gov. Rick Perry Advocates Part-Time Congress and Balanced Budgets; Cites Tim Tebow's Faith, Persistence and Strong Finishes
Rick Perry
Romney Campaign Press Release - Newt on the Ryan Plan: Take Six
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Public Schedule December 16 - 20
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Media Advisory: Paul to Campaign in Manchester, Plaistow, and Exeter
Ron Paul
Romney Campaign Press Release - South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt Romney
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Endorsed by Linn County Supervisor Brent Oleson
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Newt 2012 Announces South Carolina State Chairs
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - In Fox News Debate, Newt Slams Activist Judges
Gingrich Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Team of 52 Iowans Back Newt Gingrich for President
Romney Campaign Press Release - Newt on the Ryan Plan: Take... Five?
Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney for President Announces Reaganites for Romney
Huntsman Campaign Press Release - Huntsman on the Rise: Third Place With 13 Percent in New Hampshire Poll
Jon Huntsman
Romney Campaign Press Release - Iowa Rep. Renee Schulte: Romney the Reliable Leader We Need in the White House
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Endorsed by Mayor-Elect Shawn Dietz of Hampton
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - It's Growth, Stupid: Why Newt Gingrich Is Leading In The Polls
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Iowa Team Names New 'Veterans For Ron Paul' Coalition Members
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of New Jersey Leaders
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Newt 2012 TV Ad: We Deserve Solutions
Huntsman Campaign Press Release - New Polls Show Huntsman Surging!
Bachmann Campaign Press Release - Bachmann Kicks Off 99 County Tour in Iowa on Friday, Dec. 16
Michele Bachmann
Bachmann Campaign Press Release - K-Street Gingrich: Washington Insider, Crony Capitalist, Unreliable Conservative
Romney Campaign Press Release - Ambassador Mary Kramer: "Romney has Displayed the Steadfast Leadership Needed to Fix the Economic Mess"
Bachmann Campaign Press Release - Newt Gingrich's "Non-Lobbying" Influence Peddling
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney: "We Have in a President, Someone Who ... Doesn't Understand How the Economy Works"
Bachmann Campaign Press Release - Newt Gingrich on Partial-Birth Abortion and Taxpayer Funding of Abortions
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney on Obama: "A Foreign Policy Based on Pretty Please?"
Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying About the Romney Medicare Plan
Romney Campaign Press Release - Conservatives React to Newt's Attack on Romney's Private Sector Experience
Romney Campaign Press Release - Third Time's a Charm: Gingrich is Reliably Unreliable on The Ryan Plan
Bachmann Campaign Press Release - "Newt Romney" and Crony Capitalism
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - In Iowa City, Gingrich Outlines Brain Science Initiative
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Wins Cedar Valley Tea Party Presidential Straw Poll
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Additional Michigan Republican Grassroots Leaders
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Congressman Greg Ganske: Why I'm With Newt
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Iowa Team Names New 'Small Businesses for Ron Paul' Coalition Members