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Announcement of Appointment of Four Members of the Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Gerald R. Ford
Announcement of Intention To Nominate Paul Webster MacAvoy To Be a Member of the Council of Economic Advisers
Announcement of Intention To Nominate Andrew L. Steigman as United States Ambassador to the Gabonese Republic
Chronology of Visit to Austria, the Soviet Union, Iran, and Poland
Richard Nixon
Chronology of Visit to the People's Republic of China. February 17-28, 1972
Press Release: Advance Text of Remarks Prepared for the AFL-CIO Convention
Outline of Remarks at a Joint Meeting of the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy and the Cabinet Committee on Price Stability
Lyndon B. Johnson
Talking Points of the President Before Union and Company Negotiators in the Copper Strike
Talking Points of the President at a Luncheon for the National Alliance of Businessmen
Authorized Statement by the Secretary of State Following His Review With the President of the Situation in the Formosa Straits Area
Dwight D. Eisenhower