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United States-Denmark Fishery Agreement Message to the Congress Transmitting the Agreement.
Jimmy Carter
Uranium Enrichment Capacity Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
United States Sinai Support Mission Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Owyhee River in Idaho and Oregon Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report and Proposed Legislation.
National Wild and Scenic Rivers and National Trails Systems Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports and Proposed Legislation.
Tuolumne River in California Message to Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation.
Budget Rescission and Deferrals Message to the Congress.
Budget Deferral Message to the Congress.
Budget Deferrals Message to the Congress.
The Cyprus Conflict Letter to the Speaker of the House and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
International Trade Functions Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1979.
Regulatory Reform of the Telecommunications Industry Message to the Congress.
Railroad Retirement Board Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Council on Wage and Price Stability Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Embargo Regulations Under the Trading With the Enemy Act Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
International Wheat Agreement, 1971 Message to the Senate Transmitting Protocols for the Fifth Extensions of the Wheat Trade Convention and the Food Aid Convention.
Defense Budgets Message to the Congress on the Fiscal Year 1980 and 1981 Budgets.
Federal Civilian and Military Pay Increases Message to the Congress Transmitting the Federal Pay Comparability Alternative Plan.
International Exposition on Energy Message to the Congress Transmitting a Proposal for Federal Participation.
United States Citizens Living Abroad Letter to the Speaker of the House and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.