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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 11372—Designating the Lake Ontario Claims Tribunal as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Lyndon B. Johnson
Executive Order 11371—Establishment of the New England River Basins Commission
Executive Order 11370—Inspection of Income, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives
Executive Order 11369—Placing Additional Positions in Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11368—Modifying Rates of Interest Equalization Tax and Amending Executive Order No. 11211
Executive Order 11367—Placing an Additional Position in Level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11366—Assigning Authority to Order Certain Persons in the Ready Reserve to Active Duty
Remarks Upon Signing Order Establishing the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.
Executive Order 11365—Establishing a National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
Executive Order 11364—Providing for the Restoration of Law and Order in the State of Michigan