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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 7954—Exemption of Frank S. Smith From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 7952—Revocation of Executive Order No. 5341 of May 2, 1930, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 7950—Exemption of William H. Egberts From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7947—Designating Del Bonita, Montana, as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 7946—Limiting the Importation of Red Cedar Shingles From Canada During the Last Six Months of 1938
Executive Order 7948—Exemption of Charles L. Parker From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7949—Exemption of Stephen W. Hamilton From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7944—Amendment of the Executive Order of January 17, 1873, Relating to the Holding of State or Local Offices by Federal Officers and Employees
Executive Order 7945—Exemption of Edward M. Weeks From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7937—Establishing West Sister Island Migratory Bird Refuge
Executive Order 7943—Authorizing Certain Persons To Be Continued in Their Present Positions in the National Bituminous Coal Commission
Executive Order 7942—Authorizing the Employment of Certain Examiners and Other Experts Paid From Funds Authorized by Public Resolution No. 113, 75th Congress, Without Compliance With the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 7941—Establishing the Fort Tyler Migratory Bird Refuge
Executive Order 7940—Transferring Certain Lands Within the Coronado National Forest to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department
Executive Order 7939—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5886 of July 12, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 7938—Correcting Description of Land Reserved by Executive Order No. 3406 of February 13, 1921, for Lighthouse Purposes
Executive Order 7936—Exemption of Thomas A. Jaggar, Jr. From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7934—Transferring to the United States Housing Authority Custodial and Maintenance Employees in the Field Service of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Engaged on Federal Housing Projects
Executive Order 7935—Exemption of J. Humbird Smith From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7929—Exemption of Ernest P. Rands From Compulsory Retirement for Age