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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 7452—Addition to Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge in the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 7450—Excusing From Duty on Wednesday, September 23, 1936, Until 1 p.m.. Employees of the Executive Departments, Establishments and Other Agencies of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia, Who Desire to Show Honor to the Veterans of the Civil War Upon the Occasion of the Parade of the Grand Army of the Republic
Executive Order 7451—Transferring Certain Lands in California to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy
Executive Order 7449—Amending the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and the Consular Regulations
Executive Order 7448—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use as Receiving Station for Alaska Communication System in the State of Alaska
Executive Order 7446—Modification of Executive Order No. 7070 of June 12, 1935, Prescribing Regulations Governing Appointments of Employees Paid From Emergency Funds
Executive Order 7447—Duties and Functions of the United States High Commissioner to the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands in Connection with Proceedings Involving the Extradition of Fugitives From Justice to and From the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands
Executive Order 7445—Exemption of Miss Mary M. O'Reilly From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7444—Exemption of Harry D. Myers From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7443—Modifying Proclamation No. 2190 of July 17, 1936, Establishing The Talladega National Forest, Alabama
Executive Order 7442—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of War Department as Enlargement of a Target Range in the State of New Mexico
Executive Order 7441—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Lookout Stations in the State of Oregon
Executive Order 7440—Exemption of Charles B. Sornborger From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7439—Amendment of Article XXVIII of the Consular Regulations
Executive Order 7438—Exemption of George S. Rice from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7436—Amendment of Section 2 of Executive Order No. 7305 of February 28, 1936, Allocating Funds to the Farm Credit Administration, Etc.
Executive Order 7437—Establishing Trempealeau Migratory Waterfowl Refuge in the State of Wisconsin
Executive Order 7435—Establishing Winnemucca Migratory Bird Refuge, Nevada
Executive Order 7434—Revocation of Executive Order No. 6123 of May 2, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands in Colorado
Executive Order 7432—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Gertrude Pullman Evans to a Classified Position in the Navy Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules