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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 7292—Establishing Lake Andes Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, South Dakota
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 7294—Waiver of the Time Limit Provided in Civil-Service Rule IX to Permit the Reinstatement in the Postal Service of Mrs. Nell J. Kline
Executive Order 7293—Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men
Executive Order 7290—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5790, of February 2, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands, New Mexico
Executive Order 7288—Transferring to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department a Portion of the Site of the Mayaguez Barracks Military Reservation at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Executive Order 7287—Selection of Members of the Central Statistical Board
Executive Order 7286—Exemption of Charles Holzman from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7285—Prescribing the Official Flag of the Vice President of the United States
Executive Order 7284—Revocation in Past of Executive Order No. 6076, of March 15, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, New Mexico
Executive Order 7283—Revocation of Executive Order No. 5682, of August 12, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, New Mexico
Executive Order 7282—Revocation of Executive Order No. 5920, of September 15, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands, New Mexico
Executive Order 7281—Designating the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Executive Order 7280-B—Revocation in Part of Executive Order No. 5687, of August 18, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, Wyoming
Executive Order 7280-A—Revocation in Part of Executive Order No. 4608, of March 10, 1927, Withdrawing Public Lands, Wyoming
Executive Order 7280—Evidencing, Validating, and Confirming the Creation of the Federal Housing Administration
Executive Order 7279—Revocation in Part of Executive Order No. 5341, of May 2, 1930, Withdrawing Public Lands, Arizona
Executive Order 7278—Exemption of William H. Ramsey from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7276—Authorizing the Appointment of Lewis R. Barrett to the Position of Recreation Coordinator, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, Without Regard to Civil-Service Rules
Executive Order 7277—Designation of Under Secretary, First Assistant Secretary, and Assistant Secretary of the Interior to Act as Secretary of the Interior
Executive Order 7275—Revocation in Part of Executive Order No. 5603, of April 20, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, Wyoming