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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order—Approving Interior Order for Shoalwater Reserve
Andrew Johnson
Executive Order—Establishing Sioux Indian Reservation in Nebraska
Executive Order
Executive Order—General Orders: 26—Order in Relation to Trials by Military Courts and Commissions
Executive Order—Establishing the Niobrara Reserve for the Santee Sioux Tribe in Nebraska
Executive Order—General Orders: 164
Executive Order Paroling Alexander H. Stephens and Others
Executive Order—General Orders: 145
Executive Order—Special Orders: 503
Executive Order—General Orders: 138
Executive Order—General Court-Martial Orders: 356
Executive Order—General Orders: 109
Executive Order—General Orders: 107
Executive Order—To Reestablish the Authority of the United States and Execute the Laws Within the Geographical Limits Known as the State of Virginia
Executive Order—Special Orders: 216
Executive Order—Special Orders: 211
Executive Order—Rescinding Regulations Prohibiting the Exportation of Arms, Ammunition, Horses, Mules, and Live Stock
Abraham Lincoln