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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 12917—Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Haiti
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 12916—Implementation of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission and the North American Development Bank
Executive Order 12915—Federal Implementation of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
Executive Order 12914—Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Haiti
Executive Order 12913—Revocation of Executive Order No. 12582
Executive Order 12912—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12878
Executive Order 12911—Seal for the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Executive Order 12910—Providing for the Closing of Government Departments and Agencies on April 27, 1994
Executive Order 12909—Order of Succession of Officers to Act as Secretary of the Air Force
Executive Order 12908—Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of the Army
Executive Order 12907—Amending Executive Order No. 12882
Executive Order 12906—Coordinating Geographic Data Acquisition and Access: The National Spatial Data Infrastructure
Executive Order 12905—Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee
Executive Order 12904—Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Commission for Labor Cooperation, Border Environment Cooperation Commission, and North American Development Bank
Executive Order 12903—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Statement on the Executive Order on Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities
Executive Order 12902—Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities
Statement on the Executive Order on Identification of Trade Expansion Priorities
Executive Order 12901—Identification of Trade Expansion Priorities
Remarks on Signing the Executive Order on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans
Remarks to the American Council on Education
Executive Order 12900—Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans
Executive Order 12899—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between The Long Island Rail Road and Certain of Its Employees Represented by the United Transportation Union
Statement on the Executive Order on Environmental Justice
Executive Order 12898—Federal Actions To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
Executive Order 12897—Garnishment of Federal Employees' Pay
Executive Order 12896—Amending the Civil Service Rules Concerning Political Activity
Executive Order 12894—North Pacific Marine Science Organization
Executive Order 12895—North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
Executive Order 12893—Principles for Federal Infrastructure Investments
Remarks on the Observance of the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Executive Order 12892—Leadership and Coordination of Fair Housing in Federal Programs: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
Executive Order 12891—Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
Executive Order 12890—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12864
Executive Order 12889—Implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement
Executive Order 12888—Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial 1984
Executive Order 12887—Amending Executive Order No. 12878
Executive Order 12886—Adjustments of Rates of Pay and Allowances for the Uniformed Services
Executive Order 12885—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12829
Executive Order 12884—Delegation of Functions Under the Freedom Support Act and Related Provisions of the Foreign Operations