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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Remarks on Signing Executive Order 12336, Establishing the Task Force on Legal Equity for Women
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12336—Task Force on Legal Equity for Women
Executive Order 12335—National Commission on Social Security Reform
Executive Order 12333—United States Intelligence Activities
Executive Order 12334—President's Intelligence Oversight Board
Executive Order 12332—Establishment of the National Productivity Advisory Committee
Executive Order 12331—President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Executive Order 12330—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12329—President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives
Executive Order 12328—Federal Employees Contracting or Trading With Indians
Executive Order 12327—Exemption for Fort Allen
Executive Order 12326—Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
Executive Order 12325—Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities
Executive Order 12324—Interdiction of Illegal Aliens
Executive Order 12323—Presidential Commission on Broadcasting to Cuba
Executive Order 12322—Water Resources Projects
Remarks at a White House Luncheon for Officials of Black Colleges and Universities
Executive Order 12320—Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Executive Order 12321—Foreign Assistance and Arms Export Control
Executive Order 12319—River Basin Commissions
Executive Order 12318—Statistical Policy Functions
Executive Order 12317—President's Commission on Hostage Compensation
Executive Order 12316—Responses to Environmental Damage
Executive Order 12315—Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
Executive Order 12314—Federal Regional Councils
Executive Order 12313—Specification of Hostage Return Date Under Hostage Relief Act of 1980
Executive Order 12312—The Meritorious Service Medal
Executive Order 12311—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Executive Order 12310—President's Commission on Housing
Executive Order 12309—President's Economic Policy Advisory Board
Executive Order 12308—Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities
Executive Order 12307—President's Commission on Hostage Compensation
Executive Order 12306—Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
Executive Order 12305—Termination of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Executive Order 12304—Seal for the Panama Canal Commission
Executive Order 12303—Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism
Statement on Signing the Executive Order Establishing the Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism
Executive Order 12302—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Executive Order 12301—Integrity and Efficiency in Federal Programs
Statement on Signing Executive Order 12301, Concerning Integrity and Efficiency in Federal Programs
Executive Order 12300—Exceptions From the Competitive Service
Executive Order 12299—Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments
Executive Order 12298—Lake Tahoe Region
Executive Order 12297—International Coffee Agreement 1976
Executive Order 12296—President's Economic Policy Advisory Board
Executive Order 12294—Suspension of Litigation Against Iran
Executive Order 12295—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Executive Order 12293—Foreign Service of the United States
Executive Order 12292—Foreign Service Act of 1980
Executive Order 12290—Federal Exports and Excessive Regulation
Executive Order 12291—Federal Regulation
Executive Order 12289—Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
Executive Order 12288—Termination of the Wage and Price Regulatory Program
Statement on Signing Executive Order 12287, Providing for the Decontrol of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products
Executive Order 12287—Decontrol of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products
Executive Order 12285—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Jimmy Carter
Executive Order 12281—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12284—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12280—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12279—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages