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Veto of Bill Relating to the Promotion of Veterans of World War II in the Field Service of the Post Office Department
Harry S Truman
Veto of Bill To Define the Application of the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act to Certain Pricing Policies.
Veto of Bill To Amend the Natural Gas Act of 1938.
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill To Authorize Payments for the Purchase of Automobiles by Certain Disabled Veterans.
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill Relating to the San Luis Valley Project, Colorado.
Veto of Bill Establishing a Program in Aid of the Navajo and Hopi Indians.
Veto of Bill Relating to the Development of the Fish, Wildlife, and Recreational Aspects of the Colorado-Big Thompson Federal Reclamation Project.
Veto of Bill Providing for Federal Aid to State Fish Restoration and Management Projects.
Veto of Bill To Convey Lands to the City of Miles City, Montana.
Veto of Bill for the Construction and Operation of the Vermejo Reclamation Project, New Mexico.