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New Year's Message to the Chairman of the Military Revolutionary Council in South Viet-Nam.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Exchange of New Year Greetings Between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Messages to the President of Turkey and to the President and Vice President of Cyprus.
Exchange of Letters With President Goulart of Brazil.
Exchange of Messages With Prime Minister Aldo Moro of Italy.
Message to Prime Minister Kenyatta on the Occasion of the Independence of Kenya.
Message to the Sultan on the Occasion of the Independence of Zanzibar.
Message to the King of Thailand on the Death of Prime Minister Srisdi Dhanarajata.
Message to Chancellor Erhard Following a Mine Disaster in Lengede, Germany.
John F. Kennedy
Message to President Gursel on the 40th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey.
Message to President Diem on the Occasion of the National Holiday of Viet-Nam.
Letter to Chancellor Adenauer on the Occasion of His Retirement.
Farewell Messages to President de Valcra and Prime Minister Lemass.
Address Before the Irish Parliament in Dublin.
Exchange of Messages With the Shah of Iran.
Letter to Chairman Khrushchev on Nuclear Testing.
New Year Greetings to Leaders of the Soviet Union.
Message to President Nyerere Upon the Establishment of the Republic of Tanganyika.
Message to Chancellor Adenauer Following His Visit.
Message in Reply to a Broadcast by Chairman Khrushchev on the Cuban Crisis
Message to Chairman Khrushchev Calling for Removal of Soviet Missiles From Cuba
Message to President Goulart Requesting Postponement of a Scheduled Visit to Brazil.
Message to the Prime Minister of Canada on International Trade.
Message to Prime Minister Obote on the Occasion of the Independence of Uganda.
Reply to Chairman Khrushchev's Message on the Flight of Commander Schirra.
Message to Pope John XXIII on the Occasion of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council.
Message to Prime Minister Muhirwa on the Forthcoming Celebration of the Independence of Burundi.
Letter to President Ayub Khan on Problems of Agricultural Productivity in Pakistan.
Message to the Shah Following an Earthquake in Iran.
Message to President Sukarno on the 17th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence.
Message to President Kayibanda on the Occasion of the Independence of Rwanda.
Message to King Mwami Mwambutsa IV on the Occasion of the Independence of Burundi.
Message to the President of the Republic of Cyprus on His Departure from the United States.
Message to Chairman Khrushchev following the formation of a Coalition Government in Laos.
Letter to President Goulart of Brazil on the Signing of an Alliance for Progress Agreement With Brazil.
Message to President Macapagal of the Philippines on Bataan Day.
Message to Governor General Gopallawa of Ceylon.
Message to Chairman Khrushchev Proposing Joint Action in the Exploration of Outer Space
Message to the People of Greece on the 15th Anniversary of the Truman Doctrine.
Message to the People of Turkey on the 15th Anniversary of the Truman Doctrine.