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Memorandum on Reducing Teenage Driving Under the Influence of Illicit Drugs
William J. Clinton
Memorandum on Guidelines to States for Implementing the Family Violence Provisions of Welfare Reform Legislation
Memorandum on the Drawdown of Defense Department Commodities, Services, and Training for the Economic Community of West African States' Peacekeeping Force
Memorandum on Determination To Authorize the Furnishing of Non-Lethal Emergency Military Assistance to the States Participating in the Economic Community of West African States' Peacekeeping Force (ECOMOG) Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended
Memorandum on Drawdown of Articles, Services, and Military Education and Training From DOD To Provide Antinarcotics Assistance to Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and the Countries of the Eastern Caribbean
Memorandum on Loan Guarantee to Israel Program
Presidential Determination on FY 1997 Refugee Admissions Numbers and Authorizations of In-Country Refugee Status Pursuant to Sections 207 and 101(a)(42), Respectively, of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and Determination Pursuant to Section 2(b)(2) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, as Amended
Presidential Determination on Classified Information Concerning the Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada
Memorandum on Determination To Authorize the Furnishing of Emergency Military Assistance to Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Uganda Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act
Memorandum on Promoting Excellence and Accountability in Teaching