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Memorandum on Limiting the Use of Restrictive Housing by the Federal Government
Barack Obama
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Authority and Assignment of Certain Functions Under Section 103(a)(1)(A) and Section 103(b)(1) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015
Memorandum on the White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under Section 103(b)(2) of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, as Amended
Memorandum on Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs
Memorandum on Promoting Smart Gun Technology
Memorandum on Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Memorandum on Delegation of Reporting Functions Specified in Section 941 of the Fiscal Year 2014 National Defense Authorization Act
Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012