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Memorandum on Import Relief for the Wood Shakes and Shingles Industry
Ronald Reagan
Memorandum on Determination Under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974
Memorandum for the United States Trade Representative on the Restriction of Certain Imports From the European Economic Community
Memorandum on Determination To Authorize the Furnishing of Immediate Military Assistance to Honduras
Memorandum on Determination To Authorize the Furnishing of Immediate Military Assistance to Chad
Memorandum on Economic Support Fund and Military Assistance
Order on Emergency Deficit Control Measures for Fiscal Year 1986
Memorandum for the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Memorandum on the Fiscal Year 1987 Budget
Memorandum on Certification To Authorize Continuation of Certain Assistance for Bolivia
Memorandum Announcing the Denial of Import Relief for the Nonrubber Footwear Industry
Memorandum Directing Improvements in Service Delivery and Agency Productivity
Memorandum on Leadership of the Combined Federal Campaign
Memorandum Urging Participation in the Combined Federal Campaign
Memorandum on Pasta Product Exports From the European Economic Community
Memorandum on Trade With Hungary, China, and Romania
Memorandum on Social Security for Federal Employees
Memorandum Urging Support of the Federal Management Improvement Program
Memorandum on Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition
Memorandum Urging Support of the American National Red Cross