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Memorandum on the Federal Agency Program: Mission SAFETY-70
Lyndon B. Johnson
Memorandum on Improving the Postal Practices of Federal Agencies.
Memorandum to the Federal Executive Boards on Cost Reduction.
Memorandum Urging Federal Agency Cooperation m the Program "World Weather Watch"
Memorandum on the Need for Improving Procedures for Clearing Incoming Travelers at Ports of Entry
Memorandum on the Need for Reduced Spending by Federal Agencies Following Enactment of the Tax Bill
Memorandum Directing the Development of Contingency Plans for Oil Spill Emergencies
Memorandum Approving the Adoption by the Federal Government of a Standard Code for Information Interchange
Memorandum Directing Agency Cooperation With the Cabinet Committee on Price Stability
Memorandum Establishing the Cabinet Committee on Price Stability
Memorandum Urging Support of the Red Cross by Federal Employees and Members of the Armed Forces
Memorandums Directing a Reduction of Personnel and Official Travel Overseas
Memorandum Directing Reduction of AID Expenditures Overseas in Connection With the Balance of Payments Program
Memorandum of Disapproval of H.R. 1670 a Bill for the Relief of Dr. George H. Edler
Memorandum Urging Continued Improvement of Programs in Aid of Small Business
Memorandum in Response to Task Force Report "Reducing Federal Grant-in-Aid Processing Time"
Memorandum Following the Peace Demonstrations at the Lincoln Memorial and the Pentagon
Memorandum on Inaugurating a Test Program To Reduce Hard-Core Unemployment
Memorandum on Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Government
Memorandum to Secretary Weaver on the Need for a Pilot Program To Stimulate Private Enterprise in Low-Income Housing