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Message of Sympathy on the Death of Brander Matthews.
Herbert Hoover
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Myron T. Herrick, United States Ambassador to France.
Statement on the Death of Ambassador Myron T. Herrick.
Statement on the Death of Marshal Ferdinand Foch.
Statement on the Death of President Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Proclamation—Announcing the Death of James Schoolcraft Sherman
William Howard Taft
Announcement of the Assassination of President McKinley to the Army
William McKinley
Announcement to the Vice-President of the Death of President McKinley and the Reply of the Vice-President
Theodore Roosevelt
Public Announcement by the Physicians of the Death of President McKinley
Announcement of the Assassination of President McKinley to Representatives of the United States Abroad
Announcement of the Assassination of President McKinley
News of the Death of President McKinley at the White House
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to the Army
James A. Garfield
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to the Navy
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to Representatives of the United States Abroad
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to Representatives Foreign Governments in the United States
Announcement to the Vice-President of the Death of President Garfield and Reply of Vice-President Arthur
Chester A. Arthur
Public Announcement by the Physicians of the Death of President Garfield
Announcement of the Assassination of President Lincoln to Representatives of the United States Abroad
Abraham Lincoln
Announcement to the Treasury Departmentof the Death of President Lincoln
Announcement to the Army of the Death of President Lincoln
Announcement to Representatives of Foreign Governments in the United States of the Death of President Lincoln
Announcement to the Navy of the Death of President Lincoln
Announcement of the Death of President Lincoln to the Vice-President
Announcement to the Army of the Death of President Taylor
Millard Fillmore
Announcement to Representatives of the United States Abroad of the Death of President Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Announcement to Congress of the Death of President Taylor
Announcement to Representatives of Foreign Governments in the United States of the Death of President Taylor
Reply of Mr. Fillmore to the Announcement of the Death of President Taylor
Announcement to the Vice-President of the Death of President Taylor
Announcement to the Navy of the Death of President Harrison
William Henry Harrison
Announcement to the Army of the Death of President Harrison
John Tyler
Announcement to Representatives of Foreign Governments in the United States of the Death of President Harrison
Public Announcement - Death of President Harrison
Announcement to the Vice-President of the Death of President Harrison
Announcement to Representatives of the United States Abroad of the Death of President Harrison