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Veto of Bill To Promote Former Prisoners of War in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Harry S Truman
Veto of the Case Bill.
Veto of Bill To Establish an Army Optometry Corps.
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill Reducing Certain Appropriations and Contract Authorizations for Fiscal Year 1946.
Veto of Bill Raising the Rank of Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of Naval Bureaus.
Veto of Bill Granting Benefits to Enlisted Men for Foreign Service Between 1898 and 1912.
Veto of Bill for the Relief of the City of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Veto of Bill Conveying Certain Property to Norwich University
Veto of Bill Authorizing the Improvement of Certain Harbors
Veto of Bill Relating to Law Enforcement in the District of Columbia.
Veto of Bill Providing for the Deferment of Additional Agricultural Workers.
Veto of a Bill Abolishing the Jackson Hole National Monument.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Veto of a Revenue Bill.
Veto of a Bill that Would Increase the Cost of Living.
Veto of a Bill Designating December 7 as Armed Services Honor Day.
Veto of H. R. 2869.
Veto of the Smith-Connally Bill.
Veto of a Parity Computation Bill.
Veto of a Bill Promoting the Production of Synthetic Rubber from Grain Alcohol.
Veto of a Bill Restricting Representatives of Friendly Nations in the United States.