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Remarks Upon Presenting a Congressional Award to Robert Frost
John F. Kennedy
Remarks at the Presentation of NASA's Distinguished Service Medal to Dr. Robert R. Gilruth and Col. John H. Glenn, Jr.
Remarks at the Presentation of an Award to the National Association of Broadcasters
Remarks Upon Presenting the Enrico Fermi Award to Dr. Hans Bethe
Remarks at the Rockefeller Public Service Award Ceremonies
Remarks Upon Presenting an Award to Allen W. Dulles
Remarks Upon Presenting the Harmon Trophy to Three Test Pilots of the X-15 Rocket Plane
Remarks Upon Presenting the Merchant Marine Achievement Award to Solon B. Turman
Remarks on Presenting a Trophy to the Winner of the 1960 President's Cup Regatta
Remarks at the Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Arleigh A. Burke.
Remarks at the Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to General Thomas D. White.
Remarks Upon Presenting the Collier Trophy to Admiral William F. Raborn, Jr.
Remarks at the Presentation of NASA's Distinguished Service Medal to Astronaut Alan B. Shepard.
Remarks Upon Awarding the National Geographic Society Gold Medal to Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Remarks at the Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Paul Henri Spaak, Secretary General of NATO.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to General Andrew J. Goodpaster.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to James H. Douglas.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to George B. Kistiakowsky.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Christian A. Herter.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Gordon Gray.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Thomas S. Gates.
Citation Presented to General Melvin J. Maas.
Statement by the President Following Announcement of Recipients of the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service
Presidential Citation Honoring James Forbis Brownlee.
Citation Accompanying the National Security Medal Presented to Robert Murphy.
Citation Accompanying Legion of Merit, Degree of Chief Commander, Presented to the King of Thailand.
Citation Accompanying Award of Legion of Merit to Captain Edward L. Beach, USN.
Statement by the President Concerning the Recipients of the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service
Citation Accompanying Awards for Oceanographic Research.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Neil H. McElroy.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to General Maxwell D. Taylor.
Letter to John Foster Dulles Awarding Him the Medal of Freedom, and Accompanying Citation
Awards Presented to Commander Anderson and to the Other Officers and the Crew of the U.S.S. Nautilus.
Remarks on Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Lewis L. Strauss, and Accompanying Citation.
Citation Accompanying the Sylvanus Thayer Award Presented to Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence.
Remarks at the Presentation to Professor Niels Henrik David Bohr of the First Atoms for Peace Award
Remarks at the Presentation of the National Geographic Society Medal to His Royal Highness the Prince Philip.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson.
Citation and Remarks at Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Arthur W. Radford.