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Citation Accompanying the National Security Medal Presented to Major General William J. Donovan.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Remarks at Presentation to President Hoover of a Citation for Distinguished Civilian Service.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to General Gruenther.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Freedom Presented to Dr. John von Neumann.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Admiral Robert B. Carney.
Citation and Remarks at Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Robert B. Anderson.
Remarks on Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to General Ridgway, and Accompanying Citation.
Citation and Remarks at Presentation of the National Security Medal to J. Edgar Hoover
Citation and Remarks at Presentation to Field Marshal Pibulsonggram of Thailand of the Legion of Merit, Degree of Chief Commander.
Citation Presented to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and Accompanying Remarks.
Citation Presented to Dr. Jonas E. Salk and Accompanying Remarks.
Remarks at the Department of State 1954 Honor Awards Ceremony
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Genevieve de Galard- Terraube.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Honor Presented to Benjamin F. Wilson.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Honor Presented to Ola L. Mize.
Citations Accompanying Medals of Honor Presented to William R. Charotto, Edward R. Schowalter, Jr., and Ernest E. West.
Remarks at the Presentation of Seven Congressional Medals of Honor
Citation Accompanying Medal of Honor Presented to Second Lieutenant Raymond G. Murphy.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Honor Awarded to Private First Class Robert E. Simanek.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Honor Awarded to Private First Class Alford L. McLaughlin.
Citation Accompanying Medal of Honor Awarded to Second Lieutenant George H. O'Brien, Jr.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Honor Presented to Sergeant David B. Bleak, USA.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Honor Presented to Corporal Duane E. Dewey.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to General Van Fleet.
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Admiral Souers.
Harry S Truman
Remarks Upon Presenting the Young American Medal for Bravery and the Young American Medal for Service
Remarks to Jimmy Carrick, Winner of "The Kid of the Year" Award
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to General Eisenhower.
Remarks to the Winner of the Teacher of the Year Award
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to General Ridgway.
Remarks at the Presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor to 1st Lt. Lloyd Burke, USA, Cpl . Rodolfo Hernandez, USA, and T. Sgt. Harold E. Wilson, USMC.
Remarks Upon Presenting Medals of Honor to M. Sgt. Hubert L. Lee and Sgt. Joseph C. Rodriguez, USA
Remarks Upon Presenting the Collier Award Trophy for 1950
Remarks Upon Presenting the Harmon International Trophy to Col. David C. Schilling
Remarks Upon Presenting Congressional Medals of Honor to Capt. Raymond Harvey, Capt. Lewis L. Millett, M. Sgt. Stanley T. Adams, and Corp. Einar H. Ingman, USA
Remarks at the White House Photographers' Association Award Ceremonies
Remarks Upon Awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor to Maj. Gen. William F. Dean
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to General Lucius D. Clay.
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to James Forrestal.
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy.