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President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Appointment of 11 Members.
Jimmy Carter
Emergency Board To Investigate an Airline Labor Dispute Appointment of the Membership.
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Appointment of Frank R. Lockard as a Commissioner of the U.S. Section.
President's Commission on the Holocaust Appointment of the Membership and Advisers to the Commission.
Office of Management and Budget Recess Appointment of John P. White as Deputy Director.
National Commission for the Review of Antitrust Laws and Procedures Appointment of the Membership of a Business Advisory Panel on Antitrust Export Issues.
Remarks Announcing the Appointment of Alfred E. Kahn as Advisor to the President on Inflation and Chairman of the Council on Wage and Price Stability
Federal Election Commission Recess Appointment of John W. McGarry as a Member.
Missouri River Basin Commission Appointment of Millard W. Hall as Chairman.
Small Business Conference Commission Appointment of Five Members.